Rakaru Posted September 14, 2009 Report Posted September 14, 2009 There may or may not have been an earlier post on this, too lazy to check, but I think this server could benefit from a command that allows the player to see who is vending what item at any given time and place. Teh command could be called "@whosells _____" and would display the item you are searching for, the prices, and the locations of the vendors. It would be similar to @mi but in item form, displaying all the prices of the searched item currently in a vend from cheapest to most expesnive price, followed by their respective vendors and locations. Personally, I think it's a great idea because if you have ever gone to @go 0, you will notice that there are innumerable amounts of vendors trying to sell their items. This will not only benefit the people who are selling, but also the consumers in that they don't have to waste their time seaching incessantly for an item in one of 50 shops. Also, I thought it would be a good idea to have a means of contacting people in-game while they are afk. It may have been removed, but it could be called "@mail [person's name]" and it would allow a message to be send to a player on or offline. This way, communication with other players could be achieved much more easily as more often than not, players are always switching between their characters, or are simply afk or offline. Moreover, people who don't use the forums (plenty) would, I assume, be overjoyed that there is a means of contacting someone while they're offline, knowing that they would still recieve the message. The @mail system could also include (lol doubt it) a broadcast system, for of course, a much more elevated price than the normal one that costs 1 mil/ broadcast. Think about just how much better the server economy could be with these new additions. Think about it guys. Thanks for reading it up to here, and I apologize if these ideas have already come into play and/or been denied.
Yuki Posted September 14, 2009 Report Posted September 14, 2009 I believe this has been suggested already, but here I go. Here's a direct quote from Zeitgeist, who commented on a suggestion about implementing @whosells. It's possible. However, implementing it without the custom items would be kind of a waste since most of the economy revolves around custom items. Source : http://forum.forsaken-ro.net/index.php?sho...&hl=whosell Meaning, this would take a lot of work implementing custom items into @whosells. I'll leave this for the other GM's to handle with.
Dart Posted September 14, 2009 Report Posted September 14, 2009 Already been accepted and worked on. Thank you.