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Star Ocean 2

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on played Star Oceant 4 TLH was decent but one heck of an horible voice over i swear...


Not much from me. I've played the original Star Ocean (SNES version), and it was pretty good. Looked over some stuff for Star Ocean 2 once. Heck of a lot more complicated the first one was, that's for sure. Multiple endings are always cool.


ive played some and i think all of cluads lines are funny. My Strength! and Unexpedly Weak. but i jsut got bowmen and hes also rather funny, Poison Pill! but so far im enjoying the game but most of the lines make me wanna lol which makes it more entertaining


Did you know Claude is the son of Ronixis J. Kenny from the first Star Ocean game? I'm betting that woman that was with him (Iria I think her name was) is Claude's mother.

I like Rena the most (even though I haven't played it yet). Claude comes in second, and I don't have a third yet. lol

Posted (edited)

Yup. And that all depends upon the Affection Levels of your party members (aka the characters that join Claude during the course of the game). The character with the highest Affection Level will be the one you get the ending with. Or if none of them have a high enough Affection Level to get their ending, you'll get the neutral one (at least, I did in Star Ocean 3 once).

I consider the ending where the main character is alone the neutral one.

Edited by GuardianForceEXA

Star Ocean 2 is my fav game. some of their best weapons have to be made though except dias which you can win easy after you have leveled him fairly well. The first SO was really good but had more puzzles compared to system in two, but the game still fair well even after all this time.

Posted (edited)

This is an awesome game. Leveling your characters is very long and tedious but it helps a lot in the future events like boss fighting. I always choose Rena LOL cause I want to get Diaz, he is bad ass you know? To obtain certain characters you have to do something or involved in certain events. Unfortunately, you aren't able to obtain all the characters. Sacrifice are in order to get " certain characters " you like or want, accordingly to your own personal preference.

Edited by - Edelweiss -

That's very true. As soon as I get around to actually getting SO2 for once, I plan on getting certain characters. I've got it mapped out already. xD

There is a question I have wondered myself for a while now. Is it worth it to keep Rena in your battle party throughout the entire game?


I have the game, I stopped palying it because it got boring over time. Sighh. I have the strategy guide to. Lol

That's very true. As soon as I get around to actually getting SO2 for once, I plan on getting certain characters. I've got it mapped out already. xD

There is a question I have wondered myself for a while now. Is it worth it to keep Rena in your battle party throughout the entire game?

She is very much worth keeping in your party, the skill points to reduce time on casting can help alot and save you in many situations. Noel is less powerful in healing to Rena and weaker in attacks if you have thought that as well. Try many combinations though if you feel like it you might be surprised on what you can come up with.

My Team is always Rena - Dias - Claude - Ashton or Rena - Celine - Claude - Ashton. I wonder what everyone else used xD;;

Posted (edited)

Hmm...kind of sounds like my setup for Star Ocean 3. The only downside is that I didn't get Sophia until the start of Disc 2. She's without a doubt the best Symbology-user in SO3.

As for this topic, Rena does sound like Sophia (in terms of abilities anyways). Not sure who'd actually be stronger though. So far I've got Claude and Rena down for perma-party members.

kuoch- I've been looking for it around town myself, but no luck. x.x

Edited by GuardianForceEXA

That strategy guide is hard to come by now, that game was out in the 90's, there are online walktrhough's to do just as good :3


Star Ocean 3 was pretty good. I hated how I had to get Sophia in Disc 2 like Guardian said. :[ It was a pain leveling her so far in the game, because the other monsters were powerful. <__<;

I spent FOREVER getting the "ultimate" skill for each character too.


It's okay Ami, I'm here. <3

Posted (edited)

If could actually get a hold of the original Star Ocean 2 for the PS1, that'd be awesome. lol The PSP version would be fine too.

Yeah, leveling Sophia really was a pain wasn't it Ethereal? I don't know how many resurrection-type items I had to use before she could stand on her own without me worrying about her dying in one blow. But once she got close to Fayt's (I actually changed his name at the beginning of the game lol) and my other mainstream party member's levels, wow. o.o

Ultimate skills are probably a pain to get on purpose. And the sad thing is, you can't get them until the post-game stuff. Of course, wailing on Luther with them is really fun. lol

As for the Ultimate Weapons, I never used Fayt's. The negative stats never disappeared...they got worse. x.x Since I'd powered up Divine Avenger quite well, I stuck with that.

Edited by GuardianForceEXA

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