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gerrard mino

Pvp On Custom Maps

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pvp should be allowed on custom maps because i have had my mobs ksed and mvps ksed too many times to just keep going and champs are able to just ks mvps all day and have nothing to say but "oh well" so pvp should be allowed on custom maps so that other char can hold an mvp and kill it on said map.


^That was discussed at length in a previous suggestion topic and was never resolved.

to gerrard, if you summoned the MVP (be it with a prof or bloody branch) then take screenshots of anyone kill stealing it; make sure their name is visible. If it is a naturally spawned MVP then anyone can have a go at any time. The only MVP's on custom maps without PK are Hollowring and Skoll, so those are free for all. The reason players get away with breaking the rules is because the ratio of players reporting it is very small compared to how many offenses there are.

For better or for worse, the for_filds were designated newbie leveling grounds. We're a bit damned if we do damned if we don't; at the moment high wizards (mostly) take advantage of the fact that you can't kill them, and swoop down on your mob. But if we removed PVP, you know stronger players would take full advantage and go there to have some random fun at weaker player's expense.

What I can suggest is a compromise involving making for_fild02 PK again, since that is the map out of them all that is the most heavily KS'd. That also gives new players the chance to level on the other five maps, and also gives them the opportunity to defend their mobs.


i must agree to this idea...i'm not a big fan to the whole PK thing...but if there's something that annoys me more than PK is KS...

And for_fild02 is far from a novice leveling ground...

What I can suggest is a compromise involving making for_fild02 PK again, since that is the map out of them all that is the most heavily KS'd. That also gives new players the chance to level on the other five maps, and also gives them the opportunity to defend their mobs.



If our point is to counter Kill Stealer, Basically the simplest thing we can do is CLEARLY Set up a rule that basically, counter Proved Kill Stealer.

Such as : "Kill Stealing MOBS are forbidden and may result in consequences such as Jail/ Banning for ..."

Then, the Hunters may now be ready with their Print screen their Kill Stealer and creat ea Ticket about it. ( which OBVIOUSLY have a chance of doing it again.) Thus, Reducing the number of Kill Stealing in game, Throughout.

Another possibility is : Regular map checks by GM generated using the command @goto? during random times.

To Prove if they are really Kill Stealing? The Kill Stealer would simply run away to avoid screen shot. Which similarly happened during the Age of "AFK Homunculus hunting"

Yes, It takes some effort. But if we won't act, who would stop them?

- Humans are unfortunately, too greedy- No offense to everyone.

I don't think it really is necessary to enable PvP as it may disturb the supposedly 'peaceful' leveling area, into a Kill Stealing Tag of Wars. and People will start killing each other to fight over Hollowring. The case it self will cause trouble to the MvP players. and it may affect the market since i believe Hollowring is some source of money from our new MvPers.


^ We have a rule in place. Kill Stealing is clearly against our rules, and we have punishments for it. The problem is players are too lazy to report (sorry, truth), or the High Wizards are too quick to warp away so the victim doesn't have time to take a screenshot. What they should do in that case is @request for GM assistance. If someone is on they'll come watch.

As for Hollowring, if it is that much of a big deal we can always transfer him to another field.


Y not use a anti Ks script i have seen many.there are very effective but it order for it to u must be the first to ak the mob.But only implement it on a few maps.Mainly to get rid of ppls bloody branch mobs from getting pked.How it works is if ur atking a mob and sumone else atks it and is not in ur party they will be nuked automaticly.It is inconvenient at time cuz if sumone want to help kill it and u agree u must party them first,But all around it will help on the ksing.As for the ks on other mobs like for_fild02 mobs just dont get to big of a mob so if u get ksed it wont matter much if theykill 10-15 mobs of urs.


I don't think that would work. KS happens mostly when you're luring some mobs for an area attack, somone comes in this moment and hits them first. Unless we get a useful anti-ks program that makes monsters which are following you impervious to other's attacks.


The problem with Anti KS so far is that it doesn't work on large scale mob, i think we need to re-enforce this again to players. Is possible to make a broadcast when a player log in to re-enforce this issue? I think it is quiet critical at this moment.


i agree with the login bc about it but thats not gonna stop ppl from ksing.Ill be honest ive been ksed so much i got tired of not ksing others so i am guilty of ksing ppls mobs now and again but i mean cant beat them join them.As for the anti KS script it only works on mobs ur atking unless sumone find a way to make it work on mabs that are targeting u.But it dont matter how much bitching or reporting happens there will always be ppl that dont care and ks just to get a rise out of ppl.Mostof the time the kser or probly like 13-14 year old that just wanna piss ppl of cause they think its funny.So i mean gotta get used to it cause it will never go away.

P.S not all 13-14 year old are like that but most the ones ive meet think they are God gift to RO and find it funny to push your buttons.So pls understand im not talking about everyone but the ones im talking about know who they are.


Yes it is, reasonable- Hopefully It will be able to allow- Anti Kill Steal for All Monsters that attacked you.

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