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Hai Eurrybody ^_^

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Hey everybody names Dylan

Hopefully game name will be Sheiqk

I've played Rag for the past 4-5 years just looking for a Guild to chillax ^_^

PM in game ill be on in an hour and all night .

Or leave a message here and ill get back to you just as fast .

-- Were in the Nazi Killing Buisiness, and cousin , Buisiness is a boomin.


Lol Heyyyyyyy! Welcome to FRo!

If you need any help in the game or whatever else feel free to message me.

Hope you like and enjoy the server!

Glad to have you~


Hiya, welcome!

If you need any help, feel free to PM Ryaiyu in game, or @request for a GM. :)

I hope you enjoy your time here~

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