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Gtb / Maya Nerf please

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For magic classes it creates major unbalancing towards them since damn near everyone has a gtb and if not a maya which seems like is 70% reflect.

Mage branch offs have minimal hp and die damn near instantly the second some one puts on a gtb since u can't do anything to them. I reccomend since this is a private server and not like iro were theres only like 3 gtbs keeping all classes balanced to atleast make it so gtb is 50% or 60% magic will still do like 10k bolts really or 25k. And reduce maya to 40% reflect since people can put on 2x tao and a maya and take 11k bolts and reflect them like insane with 70%.

I know theres gonna be a bunch of hate on this topic and idk if its been posted before but still.

people just hate getting dispelld or feel that bolts come to fast to ygg em out really....tip put on orc lords on some shit that dosn't effect ur magic defense and stack up on that you big babys thats are nerf right there alongside with gtb and maya while melee only has orc lord nerf but they just spamm yggs out of it.

Please actually instead of just being NO I DON'T WANNA GET DISPELLD sway your vote to no....please actually consider the balance of the server.

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We had GTB nerf before, nobody liked it, so it was put back. Maya only reflects 50%, you'd have to add extra cards to get it higher.

We had GTB nerf before, nobody liked it, so it was put back. Maya only reflects 50%, you'd have to add extra cards to get it higher.

I doubt its not that people didn't like it, but more because they felt theyd actually have to try and play the game instead of be wimps and just be immune to it instantly.


I agree that we should nerf it, and the only reason people didnt like it was probably because they were either getting killed by mages a lot more or they were just being extreme wimps. So yeah, I mean, it shouldnt be total resistance to magic like it doesnt hit, but, maybe a agic resistance of 50% or somewhere in that range. Maya, I would say maybe you should reduce it down to only 25% reflect or 20%. It would be nice an hopefully balance the classes more evenly. I dunno if I helped at all but oh well. I used to play professor as my main, but I got annoyed because people used GTB almost all the time. So yeah, thats all I have to say about this topic. I thank this person for posting it, I was thinking of making a thread.


gtb nerf...

ehehe good luck men


well from my point of view a gtb card shouldnt be nerfed because a high wizard and professor can spam bolts and spam aoe skills fast enough that if you dont have magic reductions you will die almost instantly and if you dont like it then dont play high wizard or professor. and as for maya it shouldnt be touched either because maya is not the easiest mvp to kill in the first place same with gtb. and in WOE you realy cant live that long if you dont have a gtb/maya because the professors just dispell and bolt you to death. and its pretty much thost classes dominating the field. and about a high wizard/professor not having enough HP thats complete crap because a good professor can get enough HP to survive asura and other strong skills if you cant thats because the other person was a better player than you. if you want to nerf anything nerf champs or something like that in pvp/woe of course.


I'm sorry to be a buzz-kill but it won't happen here. This server's forum has apparently had many discussions about this before and people have fought it tooth and nail. I personally hate gtb but it will not be changed.

The sad thing to me is that we can't get the whole server's opinion on this matter, we're rather limited to the people who browse the forums.

If you're heart set on being a mage and actually enjoying your class as it was meant to be, I honestly suggest you find another server.

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Lol, you guys call them wimps because they use GTB, but do you want magic classes to become gods? Ninjas would undoubtedly rule over classes. Flip Tatami nullifies ranged attacks, shadow illusion and cast off ciceda shell would nullify melee attacks. Professors could use that fog skill and safety wall, not to mention that they could just go PD AND still be able to cast insane magic. Wizards have amplify magic, and spamming meteor storm ALREADY fucks people over during WoE, so you can't say they won't be dangerous.


my, my, the touchy subject arises again! XD

As much as i'd like to see this cheap thing nerfed, this ain't happening. Just as nothing to help the magic class is happening at all

I'm sorry to be a buzz-kill but it won't happen here. This server's forum has apparently had many discussions about this before and people have fought it tooth and nail. I personally hate gtb but it will not be changed.

The sad thing to me is that we can't get the whole server's opinion on this matter, we're rather limited to the people who browse the forums.

If you're heart set on being a mage and actually enjoying your class as it was meant to be, I honestly suggest you find another server.

This is the truth of the matter.

AND i'm surprized your thread has been here for 2 days and got a single bashing comment.


I forgot to mention Soul Linkers' dangerous Esma. They also have leap, and Kaziel. Priests already got a dangerous Holy Light and Lex would make it worse.

I forgot to mention Soul Linkers' dangerous Esma. They also have leap, and Kaziel.

(one of)The skill that makes them dizzy if they aim at a player? XD


Maya is fine.

GTB however should be reduced to something like 50-70% in my opinion... But not enough people will agree and hell will be raised if it ever happens. Plus, it is not that difficult to get high MDEF and completely nullify magic damage.

Oh well, life on a high rate server for mages/profs is just farming, summoning mvps and WoEing.. Just dont expect to do much pvping. This change won't be happening again

Lol, you guys call them wimps because they use GTB, but do you want magic classes to become gods? Ninjas would undoubtedly rule over classes. Flip Tatami nullifies ranged attacks, shadow illusion and cast off ciceda shell would nullify melee attacks. Professors could use that fog skill and safety wall, not to mention that they could just go PD AND still be able to cast insane magic. Wizards have amplify magic, and spamming meteor storm ALREADY fucks people over during WoE, so you can't say they won't be dangerous.

Nobody would become a "God". People would simply have to get mdef gear and become more versatile. There's tons of equips out there that remain untouched because people don't have to use them. People would adjust to counter it just as they do Asura with devilings. And as long as maya stays the same with 50% chance of reflect, most mages would kill themselves as long as you just stand there and used berries.

If you want to talk about "Gods" lets talk about Sonic blows that do 140-200k damage.

But it all doesn't matter, because it simply wont happen.

well from my point of view a gtb card shouldnt be nerfed because a high wizard and professor can spam bolts and spam aoe skills fast enough that if you dont have magic reductions you will die almost instantly and if you dont like it then dont play high wizard or professor. and as for maya it shouldnt be touched either because maya is not the easiest mvp to kill in the first place same with gtb. and in WOE you realy cant live that long if you dont have a gtb/maya because the professors just dispell and bolt you to death. and its pretty much thost classes dominating the field. and about a high wizard/professor not having enough HP thats complete crap because a good professor can get enough HP to survive asura and other strong skills if you cant thats because the other person was a better player than you. if you want to nerf anything nerf champs or something like that in pvp/woe of course.

Well well, in my opinion, the Professor Class is much more stronger as the High Wizard Class. There are actually 3 Classes I would like to play, if they could get a HP Boost and some other specials... ( High Priest, High Wizard and Whitesmith Class). I just use the High Wizard Class to Hunt, besides that they have too low HP and are not specialized on Increasing their Bolt Technic known as Skills, as Professor Class... With their Melee advantage...


If you want to talk about "Gods" lets talk about Sonic blows that do 140-200k damage.

If you have not noticed, that Assassin Cross' need now 4 Kiel Cards to spam Sonic Blow, that means they are not able to use a Maya P Card and risks to loose Melee battles. Then they do not do like 200k Damage unless they have Thanatos Card and the opponent does not use Skolls and they need to spam it. Simple to describe. Sorry if you thought / still think that Sonic Blow is "Ownage".


If you have not noticed, that Assassin Cross' need now 4 Kiel Cards to spam Sonic Blow, that means they are not able to use a Maya P Card and risks to loose Melee battles. Then they do not do like 200k Damage unless they have Thanatos Card and the opponent does not use Skolls and they need to spam it. Simple to describe. Sorry if you thought / still think that Sonic Blow is "Ownage".



You don't need 4 kiels if 1 or two sonic blows kill your enemy.

I've done 42k each hit sonic blows on my assassin before, so yes im still under the impression that its an "ownage" skill. Remember this skill hits eight times.

BTW: I no has Thanatos card.

Ontopic: GTB will not be changed.


If GTB was nerfed, then all it would take to defend a castle are like 6 wiz's -.-

They'd just stand and spam spam spam, so don't even bother.

At least Sb sinx's can be reflected and beaten by many classes.

Just forget about nerfing GTB, without a GTB, we'd all be crying for mage's to get nerfed


Yeah. Gtb nerf won't happen.

And arguing that it should be nerfed will result in a topic being closed.

Since it'd be reviving an old topic, for the Xth time. (up in the 100's by now)

Maya is fine. Even prof's have other skills which are AoE or don't get reflected.

L2P. <3


Gtb nerf dosn't mean 100% nerf dumbasses your talking about it as if there gonna do like 5000 damage....Gtbs 100% nerf on magic was put in because of the rarity of the item. It kept it balanced cause only a select few would have it. If some one is wearing a gtb there is no fighting chance for a magic person and most people on this server buff them self so don't say you can strip it..even if you do they come back with fcp.

I say it should be a 60% or a 70% less damage taken from magic...Just so magic classes still have a fighting chance even with 10k damage put out a bolt don't say thats still alot sinxs do a shit load more same with champs.

And for people saying you use gtb in woe....ur a fuckin idiot i doubt hardly anyone uses gtb in woe i've woed with my prof and shit DAMN NEAR NO ONE. So don't say 6 magics can defend because people entering in woe worry about asura not a bolt because they stack vit belts and skolls not taos so ill do 90k and 80k bolts. So you arguement isn't valid. And if u wear a gtb in woe your going to eat and asura and die so...still wouldn't matter about magic damage, if you live the asura u got a deviling on and 2 taos in that case a sinx will kill you...its woe its balanced unlike the pvp system

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