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The Chronicler

Introducing, The Chronicler

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how is everybody out there on forsakenRO. I am The Chronicler. experienced artist, and lover of strategy. I am getting back into ro(again) after a hiatus from my last server (which is not up for my triumphant return) and finding this one on rate my server. I have evaluated much of what I think matters to me in a server and needless to say I think I will be here quite a while. I enjoy good conversation, friendly competition, and contributing to the community. (speaking of which I just wrote a guide for the ninja just because I was board and I saw that there was none.) I look forward to playing/talking with you all.

catch ya on the flip side


Welcome to ForsakenRO, The Chronicler! I hope you enjoy your stay here at ForsakenRO. We have many artists and strategists in our community. :)

Anyway, if you ever need any help please feel free to PM myself or some other staff members or use the @request command in game. Everyone here is helpful and I think you'll like our server.

I hope to see you in game soon!

Much love,



Welcome to Forsaken RO. ^^

If you need any help, feel free to PM Ryaiyu in game or ask around in Forsaken City (@go 25).

Glad to have you with us, and I hope you have fun. :)


Hello and welcome to Forsaken RO! :)

I hope you enjoy our friendly community. If ever you need help with anything you can @request and online GMs will answer you. You can also add my msn anela@forsaken-ro.net if no one is on or you just want to ask me something.



Hope you like it here~

Have fun and message me if you need help.

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