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New hEre! where is your donations Item List?

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Hi everyone! AM new here, I'm looking for donation items here like accessories or jards? or any ideas about donations gear.. so just wonderin' i don't see any donation items.. Please guide me? Thanks xD!!!


HereHello and welcome to the server!

The donation rewards list can be found Here


Hello welcome to the server, if you need any help feel free to add me on msn ([email protected]) or @request in-game. Game Masters are always on to help you in anyway we can.


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Welcome to the server!

Here's a beginners page that will tell you a lot about fRO and; what makes the server so awesome. :D There is an extensive list of help for moving around our custom city, NPC locations, custom quests, donation, coupons, voting, the basics and, sever rules to name a few. :P

I also suggest you take a glance at the "help files page" after. You'll find a significant amount of information there. And; it will even help you in the later stages of the game.

[beginners' guide]

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