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The Corrupt a Wish Foundation

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Granted but isnt work,juz a design in game .

.Tired to wish...I wish What u wish...


Granted, but I wished someone would stop corrupting my wishes, therefore nullifying any kind of wish-corruptors that should follow.

I wish I had some new dvds to watch :(


Granted but its a children show movie ROFL....

I dont wish again :(


... just wish anything... its not hard at all... wish some food or anything

I wish i had a new guitar for Guitar Hero 3


Granted, but then you realize there was nothing wrong with the guitar, it's just you who sucked. So you become an hero

I wish I had an infinite supply of chocolate milk + weed


Granted but you stop too like a statue.. :)

I wish this wish and you wish like my wish ~Super Rolling on the Floor(SUPERROFL)~


wish granted u wanted to wish for me

i wish naomi font isnt so small LOL i can hardly see

wish granted u wanted to wish for me

i wish naomi font isnt so small LOL i can hardly see

Already Granted (No corruption give :P)

I dont wish..


Nothing granted.

I wish people started using Coupons instead of Qp0nz, You for U and used Your and You're properly last but not least that Nao stopped posting in this thread without wishes.


Granted,But it's only Granted for 1mins ...

I wish Damascus won't rude anyone..

Happy now...


Granted. He wasn't rude anymore. He became MEAN and SADISTIC and tortured you up ;D

I wish I had a knockout punch that would send anyone flying up the sky.


Granted,But you angry to your self and punch your own face and you fly + 5 STAR in

the head :P (juzt a joke)

I wish all of desperate relax...


Granted,But its a porno Game so u cant play it....gg

I wish i can go in europe


Granted,But you got a cancer for being high tolerance...

i wish i can dance like Somebody..


Wish Granted,

Problem is ur neck is too weak to break dance and ur in the hospital

I wish i had a pony ...


Granted,But Your pony *kick You* Like a Soccer Ball,Bcoz he/she angry....

I wish i have a romance life..


Wish Granted ,

You fall in love with a wonderful man who makes u all hot, so hot u burst into flames during sex

and burn off vital parts of his anatomy

I wish i could fly


Wish Granted,But while ur flying airplane *smash* you in the sky...

i wish icon became avatar


Wish Granted...

i was a retro discoball for 5 mins then someone mistook me for a shiny pinata ...

i wish i lived someplace warm ...


Wish Granted,

problem is you used passed tense and now you're too late to do anything better

..... hey remy i used you and you're there ..... :D

i wish golf was a full contact sport

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