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Hey, i'm new to this server and I might be joining WOE soon. (once i find my equips.) So what are the top guilds that rule WOE?

I'm Sieghart. ingame btw.


Hello welcome to the server, if you need any help feel free to add me on msn ([email protected]) or @request in-game. Game Masters are always on to help you in anyway we can.


Welcome to ForsakenRO Sieghart.

Top guilds that are active WoE goers would be Legion, Inlfuence, Destiny, Triumph, Royal Mafia/The Mafia or whatever the hell they call themselves, Reign of Apocalypse, and Rest In Peace.

Welcome to ForsakenRO Sieghart.

Top guilds that are active WoE goers would be Legion, Inlfuence, Destiny, Triumph, Royal Mafia/The Mafia or whatever the hell they call themselves, Reign of Apocalypse, and Rest In Peace.

thats practically all the guilds there is for WoE


Yeah, some guilds defend (i.e. Triumph and Royal Mafia) while others are smaller and choose to rely more on breaking in the last second and/or minimal defending (i.e. Reign of Apocalypse and Rest in Peace).

If you have any other questions, feel free to PM Ryaiyu in game or ask around in Forsaken City. :)

Glad to have you here, and I hope you enjoy your stay with us. ^^


Welcome to the server~

Hope to see you in woe.

Message me if you need any help!

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