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I know right. I hate that! I tried logging back in and I got errored 50 times logging into fRO. I finally logged in once the person with error is not on my characters map where I spawn. This happens to me yesterday .. Sighhh


whenever new updates occur i walk around fcity w/ a new item and laugh at how half fcity disconnects ^_^

whenever new updates occur i walk around fcity w/ a new item and laugh at how half fcity disconnects ^_^

Wow. What the forkme!??!!?? what new item?


I hate it when people do that ... My screen just finishes loading and then i error ..

I gotta spam one of my alt+1(Warp to lhz) to get by...

She's got item's that haven't even been released and probably wont be :P


I figured, but i error hardcore even after patching ..

Like try pressing alt+1-2-3-4-5-6(Whichever has a warp) before yur screen finish's loading, and i think you would error.

That's 1 way to error, but i normally error during woe and GvG, my whole screen goes white during GvG(Except the player's). And during woe, if I am in the emp room i lag super hardcore for some odd reason.


So you saying i should re download and re patch my client's ? And then the big bad lag goes away ?

I figured, but i error hardcore even after patching ..

Like try pressing alt+1-2-3-4-5-6(Whichever has a warp) before yur screen finish's loading, and i think you would error.

That's 1 way to error, but i normally error during woe and GvG, my whole screen goes white during GvG(Except the player's). And during woe, if I am in the emp room i lag super hardcore for some odd reason.

LOL I DID THAT after 30+ tries logging in.


I hate erroring in WoE then th eperson I killed 20 times PMs me and calls me a noob. Aw, man!


u noob mangz wtf i owned u kekee

i just like how everytime u snap with that new aura it crashes

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