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new to the server not to game play, however I do need help with getting the best stat build for wizard, assassin cross, and paladin.

and yes I know it's for the best that I figure it out on my own but out of the 5 years I've been playing on these kind's of servers, I have yet to figure it out. T_T


Hello welcome to Fro, if you need help i could help you just pm me ingame heh

ign: Hyaroku


Welcome to the server~

Have any questions just message me!

I kinda know sinx but yeah pm the other dude, he knows more

Have fun!


Welcome to Forsaken RO!

I don't really know what to tell you on those, aside from a full devotion pally, but I doubt that's what you're looking for. XD

If you have any other questions, though, feel free to @request for a GM or PM Ryaiyu in game.

Enjoy your stay~

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