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Signature of the Week.

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I was looking through the Signature of the Week topic, and I saw all these 'votes' with the most Bull Sh*t I had ever seen as reasons for having voted for it. I think it's easy to rig the voting, just get 5 to 10 of your forum-active buddies and bam, you won SOTW! I suggest that instead of making it open to public vote, I suggest a panel be chosen (somewhat large, maybe of 10 or so people?) to vote for the signature they think should win and voting occur that way. UNBIASED people mind you, thank you.

I don't think the number of panelist voters should be kept too low, around 10 or so sounds reasonable. We are all different people with different kinds of tastes and backgrounds, so a nice sized panel would keep it diverse, while keeping it fair and unbiased.


I 150% agree with this, under the assumption you can find such unbiased person...

I hardly doubt I could name a single person on this server who's 100% unbiased though..

Har har.


But yeah, and you could have qualifications to joining the group of judges or w/e.

But the rules are you must have experience or knowledge of CG, etc.

As well have been a member of the server/forum "x" amount of time.

As well if caught being bribed, or majority voted off do to suspicion of faulty voting then you're perma kicked.

And that way a number of people would be more afraid to vote for just any of their friends unless they deserved to win.

Maybe? Idk. Throwing all that out there.

Yeh. And this is a suggestion, meaning part of the community or at least this guy would like it open to public opinion onto the competitions improvements. Instead of an open and shut case. ;)

Ami made a thread about it. I can't find it, though.


I'm unbiased, when I need to be. Though, I don't think that many people would believe me lol. Anyway, I like the suggestion and where its going, we just need to find enough of those unbiased people to fill the judges seats.


Maybe put certain criteria that have to be met, and give each submission a mark like x/10 or x/5 and the one with the highest point wins?

I agree that SOTW mods and GFX positioned people should be involved in this as well.


the root of the problem is the answers given for the votes.

It's beautifully done, with its color choices, especially since they're contrasting. And the figure really draws the eye to the middle of the image, and gives such intensity etc...


Look at it, it's so awesome. How can you not vote for it? I vote for it because it has x y and z.

Maybe stricter rules on how to vote?


Of course.

There would be guidelines to how the voting is done. Maybe even things that would specifically have to be outlined before there votes are counted. Plus, I'm assuming the people chose to be on this panel would be people who actually know what they're talking about, like the GFX/Website Designers. The rest of the people on the panel could be chosen by people suggested by those Designers or even be made to apply before they can be on the panel.

The point is, having it open to the public vote isn't a good idea, especially when the reward is given out by the Game Masters. It should be limited to people who KNOW what they're talking about, so that the Coupons don't go to waste on someone undeserving.


I'm just curious but, in order for a person to "know" what they are talking about, would they have to be able to create their own art/sig using photoshop, or do they just have to have a taste for art? There are lots of people that know what good art is, what tasteful art is, but are unable to create said art themselves. I'm just curious how we would decide if a person knows what they are talking about. ._.


I'm not sure creation of art needs to be a requirement to judge. A simple signature can def leave a signature with a million layers in the dust.

I'm not sure creation of art needs to be a requirement to judge. A simple signature can def leave a signature with a million layers in the dust.

Very much agreed.


Although a mix of both types of panelists would be good.

Those who judge a message and those that judge execution as well.

Although a mix of both types of panelists would be good.

Those who judge a message and those that judge execution as well.

Also very much agreed. That would give a good balance between those that have a "taste" for art, and those that can recognize the amount of effort that went into making such a piece.

Current SOTW mods / gfx positioned people / should be the judges.

That forum group needs to be recreated too, lol. I was looking through and I was like...what happened to that rank...? D:

That forum group needs to be recreated too, lol. I was looking through and I was like...what happened to that rank...? D:

Yeah okay. If this is accepted I'll make a new rank button for 'SOTW Judge', or something like that.

After this SOTW, I'm closing it down for "maintenance." Some other people and I will discuss some ideas for the SOTW. I had hoped this would be less-bias, but I'm really being fed crap with the comments I see.

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