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B>Friends ;-;

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My name's Justin. ;D I just started a few days ago, now I'm a level 255 Minstrel. :D, I do know a little bit of stuff about RO, I have played before, but not Forsaken RO. Sadly, I'm probably not good at PvP or anything. :crying_anim02:

I'm sort of wondering where all of you are getting those nice looking headgears and with the amount of customs, what would be the best set for a Minstrel to use? I prefer Bow over an instrument, but I chose Minstrel over Sniper for other reasons. /cough * (No Acronyms! Shaz is too young to understand them! Q_Q) *

Anyways, I have been using Photoshop for a year, and GIMP for two years before that, so you could say I'm somewhat knowledgeable in signature making, designing, etc. ;D I would consider myself a beginner still, though. :<

Below is an example of something I've done recently for myself. I have yet to use it, after I become Forsaken-Pro. :rolleyes_anim:



I also tried designing a shirt for a contest, still has yet to be decided who wins ><;

http://i26.tinypic.com/2z7kec8.png <--- Pretty Moderate Medium Image ;D

Oh, and I checked the Weapon Shop, and it seems that there's not enough bows or instruments to please the Shaz. :shiftyeyes_anim:

Last note: I'm Asian. Oh...my...god~

Well, I hope to see you all in-game. :D

Oh, and as the topic title says, B>Friends. I came here with two others, but they don't play enough. T-T


xD! Nice to have you and if you make siggy's make one for me and I will pay you in game! :D

Yeah but if you do please message me here on the forums if you need any help or decide to make me a siggy.

Welcome :]


Thanks for the welcomes ;D

Just give me a render and I can get started anytime~ ;D

Also, I won the "Hide and Seek" like 15 minutes. :O Hi [GM]Exhibition!~


Welcome Shaz! Finally another person to join our SOTW! :D

Enjoy your stay! If you need help or have any questions, you can pm Celerity or just use @request yourquestionhere to contact a GM. (:


@request Where's the Banker? ;_;

Also, thanks. I might try and give SOTW a shot if I can. I haven't really entered into much of them in the past. Too many people going "_____ should've won." >>'

@request what's a good Set for a Clown? D:


"(Celerity)There is no such character name or the user is offline."

Oh noez~


Yeah I'm offline, lol. & you have to use @request in-game. ;D


Argh, I wanted to use one of my signatures but I'm missing the cropped avatar version. Oh well Q_Q'

Might as well add to the first post:

I r has interest in teh azn musique.


Welcome to fRO !!

You know like Pat said , you can make alot of money by making sigs for people and entering SOTW ( Signature of the week )


Thanks for the welcome~ Would that be enough to buy a +10 Forsaken Clown Bow, I wonder :D

Also, there are a lot of cards I've never seen before. ;o;


Double Post: Oh noes! I missed the SOTW by a day. ;_; (Not like I might've finished anyway).


Welcome to the server, I'm relatively new myself but feel free to pm me ingame if you have questions.


Clown Bows aren't very expensive. The SOTW has a prize of 100 coupons & the bow might be around ~15 coupons because barely anybody needs it (-> AV needs an instrument).


@Ryoji, hi? :D

@Xtopher, Hi. Thanks. I can't pronounce your name. Hi. :D

@Pat, I don't know much about the Coupons in Forsaken RO yet. Everywhere I go, it's like the people only want coupons! :o


Coupons are kind of like the currency...

They're obtainable by winning events and recieving event coupons, by GMs

Then you can either spend the events as events, trade them, or exchange them for donation coupons...

As the name implies the only other real way of getting donation coupons is through donation..

But they are in mass quantities so people trade them for other things, or use them to purchase more junk from an NPC..

Donation coupons are the standard measurement of buying / selling stuff.


Well, that's the main currency here. (;

......................beat me to it. qq

Well, that's the main currency here. (;

......................beat me to it. qq


..ilu pat? <3 <3 <3


Thanks for the help?


-removed- :D

I felt like it needed a re-do, but I don't have time right now since I have to go, if you want me to re-do it, I can. .-. It was hard juggling with text, and clip-masking the text to make it 'colorful' didn't turn out well in the end. ;_;

-Runs off to class-


Hi, my name is Joana and I can be your friend. Btw, welcome to the server, I hope you'll have fun and that you'd get lots of friends here. Later :D

Thanks for the help?


-removed- :D

I felt like it needed a re-do, but I don't have time right now since I have to go, if you want me to re-do it, I can. .-. It was hard juggling with text, and clip-masking the text to make it 'colorful' didn't turn out well in the end. ;_;

-Runs off to class-

xD Thanks man! See ya when you get back


Hey, thanks, Sakura.

Also, I lost my idea for another way of doing your request, so i'll just send you my first one and if you like, I'll put my signature on it.


Welcome to ForsakenRO!

Hope you enjoy it here, as you've probably already noticed, it's a PK server!

If you need any help ingame or on the forums, don't hesitate to send me a message. [:


Np. Well if you need help with something, say.

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