S@ddy Posted July 20, 2009 Report Posted July 20, 2009 Hi could any one tell me how to autoloot any items? especialliy items like lucius's armor , authoritative badge & speed pots thanks alot :laughingsmiley: or tell me thier item code and please tell me how to find any items drops by any monster or anyMVP?? i m failing to use @whodrops command Thanks you :thumbsup_anim:
death... Posted July 20, 2009 Report Posted July 20, 2009 @whodrops isn't fixed yet I guess, anyways to autoloot an item, type @ali "item name/number". Speed Potion (12016) Authoritative Badge (662) Lucius's Armor (2344) Hope I helped. editted
DarkRoyaL Posted July 21, 2009 Report Posted July 21, 2009 lucius armor volcano is 2344.. im there everyday.. make fast zeny.. :cool:
HalfDemon Posted July 21, 2009 Report Posted July 21, 2009 For lucius armor i think the drop rate for it is 10% , so just typ @autoloot 10. Else , there trick to auto pick the stuffs that you only need , but it dosn't work with equepment. Here how you do it: Go to prontera at 218.210 , there is a NPC there that sells pet stuffs , buy from it to many 'Backpack' till you'r invetory is full and it says in chat "Out of the maximum capacity, you have too many items." , then drop one of the backpacks and put 1 speedpot in your invetory , typ @autoloot (for 100% loot) , and go kill monster who drop speedpot. tada you'r character won't loot any item but the speedpot , you can do that with any mount of items you want to farm , except for equepment. hope that helps ps: for item command try @iteminfo "item_name" , or @mobinfo "monster_name"