Ethereal Posted July 22, 2009 Report Posted July 22, 2009 Definitely. That way, speed tracks could work.
Devotion Posted July 22, 2009 Report Posted July 22, 2009 Is it possible to code a monster to never stop walking? :D
Brugeth Posted July 22, 2009 Author Report Posted July 22, 2009 B> Smoke from the back side of Super fast speed-ring when it walks/bounces. Recolored Homunculi for stat foods imo and a special one to drop that card for the farmers. And speed ring as the general common Speed Pot mob? Possibly have the special Recolored Lif that drops the card be an mvp of sorts?
Dart Posted July 23, 2009 Report Posted July 23, 2009 For irony's sake, the MVP is super godly slow. Like, walks slower than a person with Curse. Lol
Brugeth Posted July 23, 2009 Author Report Posted July 23, 2009 Dart said: For irony's sake, the MVP is super godly slow. Like, walks slower than a person with Curse. Lol Yes!
gamersrule26 Posted July 23, 2009 Report Posted July 23, 2009 Brugeth said: Add them in a different dungeon similar to F.dun but have a new quest line that deals around going fast, completeing races etc for the requirements and other such items that go with speed. that way the drop rates would remain the same, Prices would lower slightly,(more farming) Easier to do. Adds another custom quest/dungeon designers could have fun with. I <3 This idea ! althou that dungeon would have waay too many people in it. So if this idea does happen , the dungeon has to be pretty darn big
Brugeth Posted July 27, 2009 Author Report Posted July 27, 2009 gamersrule26 said: I <3 This idea ! althou that dungeon would have waay too many people in it. So if this idea does happen , the dungeon has to be pretty darn big That or keep the spawn rate up.
Ethereal Posted July 27, 2009 Report Posted July 27, 2009 If it does come to the point where too many people are on the same map, then it would be either what Brugeth said or, another map with the same monsters.
aelithe Posted July 27, 2009 Report Posted July 27, 2009 the idea of a 2nd dungeon room/pass sounds nice, personally i'm getting sick of all the overpriced speed tix out there (1:3 are you kidding me??) the speed farmers caused the bug themselves, if they didn't keep on ksing each other's spawns with the other party retaliating by spawning continuously at the end portal we wouldn't have any problems with farming
Brugeth Posted July 27, 2009 Author Report Posted July 27, 2009 As a Former Speed Farmer, (Hopefully not former when Im back and this is implemented) I agree, we did do this to ourselves. The farmers. If people weren't so damn greedy and bent on being an ass to their fellow farming friends we wouldn't have a broken room to begin with. However; I'm glad that the room did in effect "break". It lead me to an idea which would hopefully benefit the server more than rather just having a speed room that caused a lot of drama. It allowed us as a community to pool our ideas together for something that would be and will be truly amazing when it finally arrives.
aelithe Posted July 28, 2009 Report Posted July 28, 2009 Brugeth said: As a Former Speed Farmer, (Hopefully not former when Im back and this is implemented) I agree, we did do this to ourselves. The farmers. If people weren't so damn greedy and bent on being an ass to their fellow farming friends we wouldn't have a broken room to begin with. However; I'm glad that the room did in effect "break". It lead me to an idea which would hopefully benefit the server more than rather just having a speed room that caused a lot of drama. It allowed us as a community to pool our ideas together for something that would be and will be truly amazing when it finally arrives. true, i hope they do implement something like that, it would benefit everyone, not just us farmers but also the buyers (no more ridiculously overpriced speed tickets)
Brugeth Posted July 28, 2009 Author Report Posted July 28, 2009 Exactly. Everyone wins in this situation. Buyers and Sellers alike.
Ethereal Posted July 28, 2009 Report Posted July 28, 2009 Agreed. If the idea of the 2nd Forsaken Dungeon were to be accepted, we would need to come up with ideas for that dungeon. Some of the ideas have already been posted in here as well. There is truth to the point that the Buyers and Sellers will benefit from this. The sellers will hunt (or buy then sell at a profit), and sell it to the buyers. The Sellers will sell more speed pots than usual, so they would become "rich" or gain a profit. The buyers- well, they can just use it for whatever purpose. And also this idea will make less QQ from broadcasters and etc.
Brugeth Posted July 29, 2009 Author Report Posted July 29, 2009 :thumbsup_anim: Bumpeh~ Want more inputs~
gamersrule26 Posted July 29, 2009 Report Posted July 29, 2009 2nd room for Fdun is a great idea !! Althou it would be awsome if there would be new monsters in it.
Brugeth Posted July 29, 2009 Author Report Posted July 29, 2009 Read the a few posts before o o; New monsters for stat foods and Speed potions ./no1
nero_Pr!esT Posted July 31, 2009 Report Posted July 31, 2009 isnt there like a saying to all this? uh you notice the things that been there all along only when its gone? something like that x.x anywho This idea sounds good and fun.(could beat up homus without getting acid bombed right after) and like the lif idea could make the jelly pet that spams magic be the one to drop the int+dex stat food? and lif drop agi+luk stat food? maybe the bird or amister drop the vit+str stat food? just tossing these ides out there lol
Brugeth Posted July 31, 2009 Author Report Posted July 31, 2009 Well to be honest. I knew the speed room sucked for all the various reasons however it was tolerable at least. With it being as it is now; I think that it is time for a little bit of an update, fRO style. And I like your ideas about which homuc drops which food etc. if the homuc's will be the sprites to drop the stat food.
Devotion Posted August 7, 2009 Report Posted August 7, 2009 Good news! Genesis wants to give it a try :) But I can't promise that we'll make new monsters for it. But we have plenty of unused monsters that are not on any maps, like cowring, nekoring, and darkring. ~accepted!~