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Hai to everyone! =D

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Hai! Im new to Forsaken, I just downloaded

it like yesterday... I've been playing RO for about 3 Years...

I really like da server :D... Hope to have alot of friends here =D


Nice to have you! Welcome to the dark side o_o

I kidd but glad to have you


Welcome -Forsaken-. :) I really hope you have a great time here. We have quite a few changes around here, so you may have to get used to some of these things. Such as a custom hometown, items (including recolors) and many more. Also just remember if you ever require any assistance, just use @request and most of the time a GM will answer.

Here are just a few side notes:

  1. When you begin fRO, you will see the old version of Payon (remade into fcity, our hometown).
  2. When you leave fcity through warps on the sides of the map, you will see Payon field maps which are duplicated, but with our custom monsters.
  3. When you look for the Job Changer, go to @go 25 (our hometown) and walk up the stairs and you'll see an NPC called Job Changer.
  4. The Item Mall is the top left corner of the main hometown.
  5. The server is PK Player Killing, so if you walk into a field and get killed, don't blame us.
  6. Enjoy the server. :)

Hi, welcome to fRO. ^^

If you need any help or just want to talk, PM Ryaiyu in game. :)

Enjoy your time here!

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