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Welcome GripMaPriest. I believe I saw you once on fRO, but I think you were still a novice at that time. Anyways, just remember that whenever you have a question just use @request, and a GM will most likely answer.

Here are a few sidenotes;

  1. When you begin fRO, you will see the old version of Payon (remade into fcity, our hometown).
  2. When you leave fcity through warps on the sides of the map, you will see Payon field maps which are duplicated, but with our custom monsters.
  3. When you look for the Job Changer, go to @go 25 (our hometown) and walk up the stairs and you'll see an NPC called Job Changer.
  4. The Item Mall is the top left corner of the main hometown.
  5. The server is PK Player Killing, so if you walk into a field and get killed, don't blame us.
  6. Enjoy the server. :)

Hello! Welcome to ForsakenRO. If you ever need any help in game you may feel free to contact myself or any other game masters! We can be contacted by the @request command in game! I hope you enjoy our server and I hope to see you around sometime!

Much love,


Hello! Welcome to ForsakenRO. I hope you enjoy our server and I hope to see you around sometime!

Much love,

Dean :D


Bye because he quit, I think...

Anyway, welcome!

Enjoy your time in fRO~

Feel free to PM Ryaiyu in game if you ever feel like it lol.


Welcome to FRo~ Hope you like it and feel welcomed!

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