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As for the donation page, I suggest a 'donation control panel' or something of the kind, which would work somewhat like this:

Most importantly, there would be a page in which the player would log on using his / her username and password. After logging in, the player would be redirected to another page with some kind of list which would contain all the donation items available for donation, their description, price and maybe an image. Checkboxes / fields in which the user could specify the amount of the item he wants could be added next to each item, so the player could easily choose the items he wants to donate for. Also, there could be some kind of counter on the bottom of the page, which would tell him / her how much the items he picked would cost. In the next step the player would choose the payment method he's using, and there could also be a field in which he / she could add further details on his donation. I don't know much about the payment methods which will be provided, therefore there's not much I can say on this step. The next steps would obviously involve the player performing the payment and his username, the items he / she is donating for, the transaction IDs, the ''further details'' he provided and so on being automatically e-mailed to the GM / Admin who's dealing with the donations.

I don't know if this is possible and this is just the basic idea of it. It's rather simple and seems to be efficient for both the player donating and, of course, the GM handling the donations. Suggesting this kind of system seemed like a good idea to me because even though I've never seen any server using anything of the kind, I'm thinking about something easy to use and, most importantly, user-friendly.

Feel free to comment / add something to my idea or both.


Thank you. This time, you didn't bother me on MSN with some random crap. ^_^

I'll take it into consideration and discuss it tomorrow. By any chance, would you happen to have an example or create an example through paint? You don't have to if you don't want to.


I'd love to but I'm not at home, I'm in my Dad's house on his Macintosh desktop which doesn't have Windows installed. And yeah, Macs don't have Paint.


Alright guys, so what should we do for the events page?

Drop down? Everything on one page?


I got the Custom Events Page done.

Custom Events : [ Click Me! ]

I believe the spaces between each event will be stretched in order to fit the information needed. I'm not sure if screenshots would be added in, but I hope they will be.


Perhaps instead of saying "Plus we have a lot more events" just say "Plus we have a lot more" because you use the word Event often, so maybe overdoing it? I dunno :D

Perhaps instead of saying "Plus we have a lot more events" just say "Plus we have a lot more" because you use the word Event often, so maybe overdoing it? I dunno :D

Done, and thank you. (:

Perhaps instead of saying "Plus we have a lot more events" just say "Plus we have a lot more" because you use the word Event often, so maybe overdoing it? I dunno :D

OR say we a few more.. i can't think of any other events other than novice dodgeball or hide and seek..


Me and Devotion had a little brainstorm on how many events we actually have had during fRO, we came up with a total of around 16~. It's just, a lot of them aren't held too often because of the amount of planning that has to go into them. So a lot of the usual events are just done on a kind of cycle, since they're easier. But every now and then we hold something out of the ordinary :D


Warp Portal is hosted often too. I think we should make a page for it.

Hmm, I think I should just stick with what I just have. I don't want to list too much, and besides, there's barely any more space on the preview. :( The rest is up to coding.

The preview is fine :o. I was just saying that we had a total of 16 events, including the ones you previewed. So the other ones could/would be listed in the "more" page. I like how the preview looks. I also like what you did with that banner *hint hint* :D




For anyone who wants to use. It'll be featured on the " Custom Events Page ", and I will be removing the "A Lot More" part, cause I couldn't find space for the banner. The "A Lot More" information can be placed in the Custom Events one, so yeah.

Or, do you want me to remove one of the events on the Events Page and replace it with "A Lot More" ?

I'm still working on "Customs" and Donations will come after.



Alright, I finished both pages!

Custom Events Page : [ Click Me! ]

Customs Page : [ Click Me! ]

- The banner on that page took me around 2 hours to do. Recoloring & rendering is major b****.

The custom events page I might edit a tad bit. Screenshots were taken by me, or the GM's. (Thank you so much GM's.)

-- Edit :

Sorry for the double post, didn't realize it. LOL.

Thanks you guys. :) Hopefully I can get the donation page done soon.
The person on the left is Exhibition, I believe you're the person inside the person who has an orange emp. aurora.

I was off to the side on most of em. I must be below the cut-off line. QQ. There goes my shot at hollywood. D:


ahhhhhhhhh i got covered!! sighhh


Could you add/leave some space for a ventrilo status script?

Makes access to Vent a lot easier and appealing for (new) players.


Just noticed something on the banner. It says: Participatein in our events. :/ On the Customs Events page.

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