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A slave explicitly used for sex.

So what am I?!?!

Sex slave.

A sex slave.

A slave explicitly used for sex.




Dina- taught me how to gang people in RO,my captain ^^,vent

Peter-not gay,always chill guy never gets agitated at the game, vent

Sean- stole 2 fsets from me a few months after the server started (and hasn't given them back),dota,vent

Biscuit- idk a 10 year old who wears skinny jeans, typical,dota,vent

Kuoch- taught me how to speed asura, followed him in guilds,vent

Bong Tony- helped me out in pvp,played CS with,vent

Chris-what can i say, a great guy.

Tony- didn't know that i knew his info for around 5 months disappearing items were a mystery. vent

Emi- someone who understands me and comforts me. ^____^

Justin-sorry for waking u up asking for my emp. vent

Xustin-suppp idk.

Derekly-tnx 4 the zeny.

Rinn-hii pls don't hate me. ^___^

Ming- pvped with you alot, when it was still fun of course.

Thai-always worrying about my emp aura needs.

Jay-i think i kosed him on his stalker a long time ago,pirate!! vent

Mike-chill guy to talk to, pvped with him alot.

Pat- hi. u nice 2 me ^^

Huy- pvpppppppppppp.

Maria- i'm still waiting until you're done with jay. then it's my turn :3

Carlos-uhhhhhhhhh. idkkk.

Jae- great pvper, always a challenge in duels, and also he's rich

Leni- main gauche

John/Yukumaru- chill guy to talk to, good pvper

Maria- i'm still waiting until you're done with jay. then it's my turn :3




Maria : It was that one night I stayed late at the library when I spotted this pretty young thang at the counter. I was nervous to go and talk to her, but my gut told me to tell her how I felt.

Tony : I studied in the library with him. Then he watched in horror as I spoke to Maria, and went insane.

Sean : I was sitting at the park one day when a kid came up to me. We were both about 7 years old and our parents had left us alone. He told me he'd show me something special he had in his pockets, but I had to go under the slide for him to show me. Worst choice ever.

Dean : We used to skip down the street holding hands.

Biscuit : We threw rocks at this kid, how can you forget that!

Dina : At the dance in 8th grade he asked me to dance.

Kuoch : My prom date.

Peter : We got in a fight over who would ask Kuoch to prom.

Smeay : We got in a fight over who would fight Peter over Kuoch.

Rin : She was under the slide with me and Sean.

Ami : She was holding Rin's hand under the slide with me and Sean.

Thai : He was holding my hand under the slide with me and Sean.

Ming : He was watching all of us under the slide from the bushes.

Jae : He gave us money to buy candy.

Derek : Campfire story.


Maria : It was that one night I stayed late at the library when I spotted this pretty young thang at the counter. I was nervous to go and talk to her, but my gut told me to tell her how I felt.

Tony : I studied in the library with him. Then he watched in horror as I spoke to Maria, and went insane.

Sean : I was sitting at the park one day when a kid came up to me. We were both about 7 years old and our parents had left us alone. He told me he'd show me something special he had in his pockets, but I had to go under the slide for him to show me. Worst choice ever.

Dean : We used to skip down the street holding hands.

Biscuit : We threw rocks at this kid, how can you forget that!

Dina : At the dance in 8th grade he asked me to dance.

Kuoch : My prom date.

Peter : We got in a fight over who would ask Kuoch to prom.

Smeay : We got in a fight over who would fight Peter over Kuoch.

Rin : She was under the slide with me and Sean.

Ami : She was holding Rin's hand under the slide with me and Sean.

Thai : He was holding my hand under the slide with me and Sean.

Ming : He was watching all of us under the slide from the bushes.

Jae : He gave us money to buy candy.

Derek : Campfire story.

Best list EVER!!!


My lists:

Maria: Got bored and told her to pm random people when she first started xD

Chris: On ventrilo

Carlos: Been in the same guild with me for so long

Dean: Did ladder on the same week and I thought he was BR

Sean: Kosed my GS, now I KoS his Sinx

Jay: JIO FREED!! got owned by my GS :D

Peter: Neighbor

Kuoch: Neighbor

Rinn: Met in Heart Inc

Ming: Met in Limitless

Ben: Ironman in Limitless

Justin: Met in Limitless

Dani: Met in Limitless

Thomas: Met in Limitless

Sanj: Met in Limitless

Derek: Awesome sniper in Limitless!

Dennis: Pally that devo me in Limitless

Jae: Met in Limitless later on

Mello: My gay friend Met in Limitless

Will: Fight in forfild

Yukumaru: Mello's cousin(I think)

Tony: Idk ask Jay

Laiger: likes to talk about penis!

Thai: I forgot >>

Biscuit: From Smeay and Somdara

Smeay & Somdara: Know them irl

Justine: I whitesmith him and walk away xD

Serenity: I don't remember sorry :x

Elli: Ventilro

Mike: Gay talk :x

Pat: Killed him when i was on my female char :x

Bong Tony: in forfild speaking Khmer LOL

Breeze: Through Bong Tony


My list in alphabetical order!

(Listed on top of my head.. so don't get upset if I forgot you >3>)

Biscuit - He got killed by a poring and I resu him! KOOL. jp jp. I met him and I was like Wait your name is really Biscuit? lol!

Carlos - We had a top secret mission!!!! [:

Chanreaksmeay - He was trading his wings for some other and I came in the room I'm like Hey [;

Chris - He hooked me up w. some equips. nice guy.

Danny - DANNY. I herd he lived in LA. And I'm likeee holler.

David - OMG CAN I BREATHHHEE?! I hated him the first time, he said my pics were fake?! LOL Oh mannn David makes my worse days into HAPPY ones. YOU D BEST BUDDDDDDY <3!

Dean - I pmed him cuz Dina was like Dean looking for u. I'm like whooo?

Dina - He RANDOMLY pmed me saying Dean wanted to talk to me.

Elli - She let me borrow her moon aura! I MISS HER!

Erin - Seen her around but never really talked to her. and BAM we were having some weird ass convo.

Icarus - F0RUM. YA DATS ABOUT IT. JP! We talk on msn. chyeh.

Jay - He was one of the first people to talk to me on forum [: G0D WHAT A FLIRT <3<3<3 wuv u beaaar.

Justin - MY AWES0ME SNICKER BARRR BUD. We started talkinnn' that one time.. YEAH. This guy is HELLA FUNNY <3 him!

Justinn - Oh this wanna be gangsterr? JP hahaha. Met throuuugh tony [:

Kayla - Oh this one time.....

Kim - HAHAHA! 0MG? I love herrr. I can't tell you how I met her. It's a BIG secret <3

Kuoch - He taught me how to laugh like this "AHEUAHEUAHEUAHEUA"

Leni - F0RUM! my orgazm budddy[:

Maureen - Mauuu?! Started having a funny convo w. elli! AND BAM ME & HER CHEMISTRYYY.

Miguel - Migggz? He is like a br0therrr. He quit tho.

Mike - Hahahahahahahahahahahah LOL MIKE BIG MUSUL!!!! K <3 this dork.

Pat - F0RUM!?, this guy caught my attention w. his funny avatar and *click to his prof & comment* ^^

Peter - Petaaarrr.. Uhhh me, elli, serenity, mau were chillin` and his char name was HIV Positive. I'm like EWWWW~

Polina - F0RUM. Yah I think she commented me or vice versa nt sure. then talked to her in game KOOL.


Ryan - Wooooojin. we were bored in town and he said he lived close to LA. SO YAHHH. and he said he was having a date w. e_ _ _ tee heeee.

Sean - OH FIRST IMPRESSION, I HATEEEED SEAN. But thennn he became nicer cuz he saw my pic? IDK [: BUT YAH <3 HIM!

Serenity - because of Elli and and because of something T0P SECRET!

Shinada - ahhh shin I met in game when I was still starting off :) <3

Somdara - Somdyyyy.. because he's smeay's cuzin? [: SOOOO WHOOOP! He makes my days!

Steven - SAME AS CARLOS [: tee heeee~

Thai - I was hanging out w. some friends and he came in.. I'm like WHAT UR NAME IS THAI??? [:

Tony - "YA SUP?", I met him after like 1 month playingg. since we were both obssessed w. jay Hahahah!

Tyler - I met him through his thread! the azn threaddd. OMG that was funny <3 & KABOOOOOOM.


Jay : Met long time ago when I was under a slide with Sean.

Dean : Worried about his Emp Aura needs.

Ami : Had bursts of dirty thoughts about her. Still do secretly.

Ming : Love to compete with this guy and not return his 500 FCP bottles.

Sean : Nga forgot me on his list. What a slut.

Derek : His mom makes good pho.

Dennis : His mom makes good pho.

Will : His aunt makes good pho. His sister is also good. LOLWTF!?!

Jae : Keeps me thinkin'.

Erin : My Wing-girl. Complains too much. LOL <3

Smeay : Sex slave in training.

Frilly : Used to kick his ass a long time ago.

Tony : Never learns his lesson.

Maria : WHO DA FK IS MARIA? (Interested in my name)

Dina : Sex Slave.

Kuoch : Sex Slave.

Peter : Sex Slave.

Leni : Called Nick a twat. LOL.

Pat : Oman we rocked as a team.

Mike : Tells sexual stories about me.

Dani : <3 Her for that pic she posted with all those names she <3.

David : Team London's Birdman. He KOS'd Dani after she posted that pic. LOL.

Serenity : Was intrigued by my amazing bodasity and awesomeness.

Also, my homeslices in Destiny/Hope all you guys rock ;)


okay ...

so like, this is how me and mike(sir psycho) met almost 25 years ago ...

we were both in kindergarten ... it was lunchtime ...

spinach was on the menu that day ... we weren't big fans of it but that

was back when corporal punishment was allowed so we sat down to

eat regardless ...

sitting side by side we both went for that first bite ... we stopped ...

as we touched our forks to our plates we both noticed a cockroach

come out of the spinach on his tray ...

(I'm pretty sure I started crying while I think he moreorless demanded to see the cook ..)

but yea .. that's how it started .. lost contact with him a few times in life but we

always met back up at some random place later on .. but that's a different story

okay ...

so like, this is how me and mike(sir psycho) met almost 25 years ago ...

we were both in kindergarten ... it was lunchtime ...

spinach was on the menu that day ... we weren't big fans of it but that

was back when corporal punishment was allowed so we sat down to

eat regardless ...

sitting side by side we both went for that first bite ... we stopped ...

as we touched our forks to our plates we both noticed a cockroach

come out of the spinach on his tray ...

(I'm pretty sure I started crying while I think he moreorless demanded to see the cook ..)

but yea .. that's how it started .. lost contact with him a few times in life but we

always met back up at some random place later on .. but that's a different story

Should've eaten it. Extra flavor and adds a crunch.


Limitless - Guild leader, Hing dai, Guild mate, Companion, Teacher, Trainer, Taught me many life lessons,

Made me improve on a bunch of levels, Stuck with me at all times. Came to help at anytime I called for,

Invited me into his guild when I just started, and geared me up from there. Talked and sang songs on vent,

Shared our stories and talked, helped me make decisions, Always trained and practised with me,

Always went on secret missions, Saved me at many many situations.

Changed my life, Believed in me at all times, and made me succeed. And lasty, friend.

Raphael(L2Aim) - Taught me ALOT, wether it be skills, equipment, how to play or just downright

fight. Helping to plan out WoE tactics, overall an awesome teacher/trainer.

Jonathan (Sarduarkar) - How could I forget you? One of personal favourites of the server. Has helped me in every possible way, and even asked me out at one point. Had so many fun times with him, especially when he tried to kill Thai to avoid singing a song, or avoided my phone calls to him, even helping out the enemy to give us a challenge. Entrusted me with his account, which will remain forever remembered as a legend. Saranghaeyo, Jonathan.

Jorge (Zeitgeist) - Showed me the ways of GMing, and having fun with it.

Ming - Great friend, canto brother, and really funny, met when he used to HELP me in pvp, now he

KoS' me.

Jae - Awesome friend to talk to, love his advice and helped me through tough times, thank you Jae

Jakiss - One of the first person to stand up for Rath and KoS people who'd attack or gang me, Never got a chance to pay you back, thanks.

Thai - Viet brother, always said "WE GOT THIS, LET'S GO" for pvp wars, or Starcraft battles,

Never hesitated to help in pvp.

Justin (Benefit) - YEEEE, WE GOT DIS, met in Limitless, became good friends, super funny.

Kimi - Awesome creator, ALWAYS FCP'd when she sees me and always helped out when needed.

Andrew - Very quiet guy, always helped out, always wanted to participate in wars

Will - One man army, test your offense, test your defense, Saved the world

Dennis - Nga lives with me

Sean - Gay homo, used to KoS me, now I KoS him

Dean - h1111 d34n, met him in pvp, when we fought a few times

Biscuit - Heartless - Kanye West

Ami - HIIIII BFF ^_^ BEST FRIENDS FOREVER AND BEYOND? Likes the same things I like, AWESOME person to talk to,

Loves the kinda guy I am, and I love the kind of girl she is, HATES THE SAME THINGS LOL and of course, VENTRILO RADIO EVERY NIGHT!

Jefferson Duong (Gook, homo, fag) - Met way back while pickin' rice, nga scamed me and refused

to help me when I need help. Some odd reason hates campfire stories.

Rinn - Met in Limitless, became friends there, Led a guild with her, VERY helpful, and a good friend. Hiii R1nn

Ben - WE GOT THIS, FIRST TRY. ALWAYS helped out no matter what, Had so much fun with Ben

Played RO til 8am with this guy, Too many inside jokes to count. Made RO super crazy fun.

Amorous - "I am your Forsaken Protector" Messed around as GMs, Had a lot of fun abusing stuff,

And had many laughs

Cooch - Used to date, broke my heart.


Dina - Met in Limitless, very helpful at times

Yukumaru - Met in Limitless, at once rival, now friend. Always helped me when he saw

I was being ganged, really really good champion.

Phenomenon - Met way way back, were rivals at one point, but became friends when we started to talk.

Tony - Met through Jay, He's Jay's brother, and probably even j@yh0t!!! Awesome Streetfighter player,

Hate his Seth.

Sanj - Met in Limitless, long time friend, never started drama, EXTREMELY Loyal.

Dkillah - Met in Limitless, Good friend, pvp'd together, hated Clasian together.

Genny (Genesis) - LOLGENNY


In no particular order lol

Kenny: known him for like 3 years? always bugs me on msn when he's bored, got me to play on fro

Thai: he has cow levels that I must steal and I help him in the stupid/asshole-ish things he does and soon to be his wing (wo)man


Ming: my e-bro

Jae: my other e-bro, treats me better than my first e-bro <3, PIZZA!

Chris (Limitless): he's just too awesome <3 I miss him soo much, he's helped me a LOT, good times on vent, singing, karaoke and lots more <3

Raph (L2Aim): awesome dude as well :] been talking to him more lately

Gen: awesome dude

Smeay: bagell <3

Dina: second person I met on the server, msgs me when he's bored

Peter: first person I met on the server, got lucky in mvping when I was around

Kuoch: met through Dina and Peter, wants my brother's pictures

Dean: ganged me in lms :( but I still <3 him^^


Tony: HEH he's c00L!1!!11, introduced himself to me as Jay's brother!

Sean: forgot me in his list too, apparently we're not friends :(

Biscuit: did non donor belt quest with him, picked on me in dota

Dani: U SO HOT

John (Yukumaru): idk, limitless I think

Derek: met him when he was still playing sniper, lots of random times, messed around with GM, freaked out at one point LOL

Dennis: uh idk, he always made fun of me but helped when needed

Will: derek and dennis' cousin, had a bet with him, he's cool and funny, superman.

Laiger: his cave is awesome

Somdara: he's cool

Pulopot: HII ^^

Bidoof: sometimes I love him, sometimes I don't

Mike: I think he used to hate me when I was new lol, but he's awesome

Pat: <pat3

Frilliam: known him for like 4 years? good times

Steven: GOOD TIMES^^ known him for about 4 years too we def gotta chill sometime

David: 4 years as well, you're awesome even if you're from Western :b

Maria: oman we had random times lol, esp in Destiny guild chat!

Leni: teal is def hot

I'll update moar later I prolly forgot lots of people lol


Maria : It was that one night I stayed late at the library when I spotted this pretty young thang at the counter. I was nervous to go and talk to her, but my gut told me to tell her how I felt.

Tony : I studied in the library with him. Then he watched in horror as I spoke to Maria, and went insane.

Sean : I was sitting at the park one day when a kid came up to me. We were both about 7 years old and our parents had left us alone. He told me he'd show me something special he had in his pockets, but I had to go under the slide for him to show me. Worst choice ever.

Dean : We used to skip down the street holding hands.

Biscuit : We threw rocks at this kid, how can you forget that!

Dina : At the dance in 8th grade he asked me to dance.

Kuoch : My prom date.

Peter : We got in a fight over who would ask Kuoch to prom.

Smeay : We got in a fight over who would fight Peter over Kuoch.

Rin : She was under the slide with me and Sean.

Ami : She was holding Rin's hand under the slide with me and Sean.

Thai : He was holding my hand under the slide with me and Sean.

Ming : He was watching all of us under the slide from the bushes.

Jae : He gave us money to buy candy.

Derek : Campfire story.


Will : I filmed his fight with Goku.

Dennis : He bust a cap in my ass.

David : We went streaking once, holding hands and singing that one Hilary Duff song.

Elli : She used to make my clothes until I found out they ripped too easily. Cheap asian fabric.

Justin : His tall ass dunked on me then threw me in the canal. Then he bought me ice cream because he found out I wasn't Biscuit.

Mike : We write gay sex stories together, after we do them ourselves.

Leni : She was holding Tony's hand when he went insane at the library.

Yeung/Aaron : He sold me a chrome spraypainted cardboard watch for $50 in NY.

Shinada/Devin : He beat me up in an alley for my bootleg cardboard watch.

Somdara : He picked me up out of the alley, patted me off, then tied me down and raped me.

Serenity/Momo : She untied me and helped me beat Somdara's ass.


Will : I filmed his fight with Goku.

Dennis : He bust a cap in my ass.

David : We went streaking once, holding hands and singing that one Hilary Duff song.

Elli : She used to make my clothes until I found out they ripped too easily. Cheap asian fabric.

Justin : His tall ass dunked on me then threw me in the canal. Then he bought me ice cream because he found out I wasn't Biscuit.

Mike : We write gay sex stories together, after we do them ourselves.

Leni : She was holding Tony's hand when he went insane at the library.

Yeung/Aaron : He sold me a chrome spraypainted cardboard watch for $50 in NY.

Shinada/Devin : He beat me up in an alley for my bootleg cardboard watch.

Somdara : He picked me up out of the alley, patted me off, then tied me down and raped me.

Serenity/Momo : She untied me and helped me beat Somdara's ass.

keep me out of your faggy lists :[


My Lil crew :[

Yeung/Aaron: Knew this kid for a while.aka Noggin

Jay:Just because he got me a new watch

Uber Rican/Chris: Lives in my neighborhood and a smart guy.

Inuketsu/Ereek:My Lill bro by 1 year.

Leni:Just because she hawt aheue

Justin:My Stalker <3


This is in no particular order.

Derek - First person to ever really be cool with me. I use to KOS him in the past when he played on Rath but that was because I wanted him to play a stronger character rather then a Sniper. Now he's a legend on here known as "Crono". Kekeke I still KOS you men! AND HE ALWAYS LEECHED ME KEKE!

Erin - I've known her years back when we played on another server. Really great friend! She always stresses to much over WOE/Friendships though. Sometimes makes me want to back hand a bitch, for her.

Chris - A great friend, cool leader, and someone I could actually talk to on par with. He took my advice, I took his. I found his intellect interesting since he seemed to actually "think" for him self.. pretty rare to find somebody like that while playing games.

Sean - He supposedly leeched my first character ever. But I think Derek did that. He was more fun to KOS in the past. Now days he's just to much work to kill >:(

David - A friend, a foe, and a great rival. I find his skills in the Lord Knight class unparalleled. I can say that him Jon and Will are the only guys who give me extreme trouble when it comes to fighting the LK class.

Jon - Ah yes the famous Sarduarkar a great friend and fellow Korean! He taught me how to play the LK in the beginning giving me tips here & there. I hope he's doing good in school!

Sanj - We've never had quarrels and we were always good friends when we met in Limitless. To this day he's still a great friend to talk too.

Peter - Very down to earth friend he's just a really chill person. Easily one of the most easiest person to talk to in my opinion.

Kuoch - He helped me out when I came back to play Champion. I didn't know much about him even when we were guild mates during the Limitless phase. Haha but now he's funny as hell and to pro at Halo QQ makes me sad.

Tony - Never really knew about him until I came back. He's a funny guy. WHAT U GOIN TO DO WIT DA NERF TO CHAMP NOW MEN?

Jay - Ah yes the infamous Zack Fair. Hit low, die fast! I still remember your Flee Assassin back way when. Used to KOS you too... Hehehe my how the times have changed!

Justin - Easily one of the best players on this server. He's so proficient with every class that I've seen him play. But his most memorable one was Benefit & Bouyant. Crazy man! Still remember when you got those Green Wings lol...

Elli - We weren't really friends until I came back from my hiatus! Other then that she's been a great friend, really enjoyable to talk too. I've had my ups and downs with her. But hey I've helped her through her problems, as she has for me!

Mike - We always clashed in the past since we both have extremely pronounced attitudes. Now we've become great friends. He is also known as the famous Remy LeBeau haha!

Dina - Very to him self and a cool person to talk too. He's always funny to listen to in vent too. Calling people bitches & niggah.

Serenity - Yes we've known each other a long time as well! I loved all our little talks I've had an enjoyable time knowing her as my friend.

Dean - I didn't really know about Dean until recently, when I came back again. He's a extremely good player when it comes to PvP. I did know of him in the past as "FataI" when he didn't actually have the name FataL with the L. Lol he was, and still is, a great SinX!

Ming - I knew him as "Knight of Heaven" when I first came to this server. Now days I just see him on Rice Picker with his Sakkat on. Lol the only Chinese person I can actually stand on the internet. Kekeke :)

Pat - I've enjoyed my talks with Pat about college & life. It's intriguing the type of people you can meet on the internet. You'd be surprised at how easily his temper flares :P

Terminus - Another famous LK/friend. I just never dueled him, ever.

Laiger - He's just.. gay... he was a incredible Champ but he's lost his touch a little. Haven't ya buddy?

Rajaa - Probably the only girl I enjoy talking to other then Erin. Only one mature enough to keep my attention rofl.

Jakiss - Although you quit I'll still remember the infamous "Taco Bell" the only Brown Champion who was fucking up bitches left & right. Hahaha! Plus you have the worst attitude sometimes.

Will - Probably one of the few people I can actually say I respect. He's a really great guy. Extremely fun to duel with. YOU STILL HAVE TO GET XBOX LIVE MAN!

DKillah - Only person who actually played a Clown in our old guild Limitless. I love his humor.

Tyler - Wouldn't stop talking about my girlfriend, eventually we started to duel a lot via SinX duels. Incredibly funny and he was part black... keke I loved to call him a niggah HAHAHA!

John - Who can forget Yukumaru? Fucking bad ass Champion still is to this day!

Ryan aka Patchworks - Ah yes the reason why I even CAME to ForsakenRO. He decided to give me his equips when I joined!

Sarhan - We helped start the generation of High Vit + OL SinX's that came around as a fad With [ Armani ] + Slipher great times.

Thomas - Though we didn't talk a lot I dueled him A LOT! He got me started into dueling Champions later on I advanced on to practicing with Chris because of him.

Dani - First time we talked in the PvP room.. She comad me 3 seconds later.. QQ lol

Thai - Probably the richest mother fucker I know on here, next to Shawn.

Shawn - Oh yes one of the few people who are actually "older" then me on this server. Hahaha I hope he's doing great with his kids & wife!


Saw this so I had to answer.

No order.

Jae - Who can forget him? [ Armani ], ha. Great Assassin Cross, always caught me randomly, really chill attitude and has a bit too much money as his disposal. I remember meeting him in PvP just sitting there, we began talking about idk what.

John (Yukumaru) - I really forgot how I met him, we just randomly began talking.

Ming - I killed him back then a few times, then at one point I stopped people from killing him (remember that one?) whereafter he got better and we became friends.

Jay - The stalker. I saw him dead in PvP and we just began talking. Funny guy. We GM'd together and are currently very homo with eachother.

Tiago - idk how we just became friends

Thai - So... Thai and I were together in my room watching T.V when my shirt accidentally caught on to a nail on my wall and ripped, Thai was interested on how I looked and asked to touch my pecs...... heh

Sean - We used to fight all the time when he was a Green Assassin Cross with a Luigi Hat. Now we're just homo. I mean friends.

David - Once an enemy, then a great friend. I was randomly being homo to him and Jae and we became friends.

Erin - I despised how she ran Elysium, other than that though she's amazing to talk to and doesn't take my homo to thai so seriously.

Peter - Straight from Boston, cool dude, relaxed personality and can't take it when I act homo. I forgot how we became friends.

Kuoch - We randomly began talking, amazing friend that really has to show me some of his female friends. :]

Tony - We share Jay's penis.

Elli - Hit on her. Forgot how we became friends.

Maria - Hit on her (Sorry Jay). Fucking loser lmao WHY DO YOU EXIST MAN!? Jokes!

Rajaa - Hit on her (Sorry Sarhan). I called her Soy from the start. Then we became friends by just talking about anything. She's really cool and fun to talk to. And really hot.

Dean - Real fun to talk to and PvP allied with. Forgot how we met in exact, real fun to be around with him though, I can remember how much we used to duel.

Terminus - As soon as I joined fRO we became friends. He is seriously the best player in all of fRO, hands down.

Laiger - Buttbuddy Laiger. Forgot how we met though.

Ryan - This dude was extremely cool and became a legend in fRO obviously for a reason I just will not state.

Shawn - Ridiculously awesome personality, we both always teamed up in everything and always aided eachother's needs. Hope everything's alright man.

Sarhan - First great enemies, then great friends, then we've absolutely lost contact. Forgot how we became friends though. But we GM'd together also.

Serenity - Hit on her recently. Forgot how we became friends.

Nick & Leni - Nick and I played around a lot in the forums and caused trouble purposely. Leni was always around and I always forgot to tell her the plot. Now we're great friends and a team, them two have by far the strongest relationship ever that I've noticed. They're both amazing and intelligent beyond what others would think.

Julie - We just called eachother names and became friends.

Alex (Apostrophe') - I was overweight with belts so I gave her a few. Then we just began chatting and continued on so and are now good friends.

Jorge (Zeitgeist) - How can I forget? You were a Paladin in nlRO and were killing the same people I was. We combined forces and kept wiping PvP out. Further on history after Genesis told me about him wanting to create a server, I told Zeitgeist and after the server was created, I was persistent in asking Jorge to apply to GM. Which he did. One of the greatest and most intelligent people I know to this day.

Smeay - I forgot how we became cool lmao. But you're cool dude.

Pat (Celerity) - I forgot how we became cool... once again. But you're ridiculously fun to talk to and chill with.

Justin - At one point my "big brother" in fRO! Amazing guy.

Dennis - After being enemies for so long, I assume you got tired of it as much as me thus decided to become friends instead. You're cool anyways, great choice befriending you.

Raphael - The only person that despises yggs that I respect. Intelligent with great tuition and a wonderful ability to create logical theories that usually more than always play out to be just as he says. Great personality and mature.

Icon - Best High Wizard. I always respected this dude no matter what. Funny as hell with a really fun and great personality. Ridiculously intelligent and one of the best people I've known.

Derek - I used to create millions of his clones to kill him when we chilled as [GM]Synchronize. Also managed to Blade Stop me when I was attacking him in a dice event. Really fun dude. Gay for not mentioning me in his post.

Genesis - Randomly PM'd me in nlRO forums under the name Backpack, told me about his ideas of the new server, I decided to help. Really cool dude, smart as hell and really busy 24/7, fun to talk to but lately has changed... drastically. :/

John (Phenomenon) - Had a knack for catching me off guard and killing me lol, we were enemies at first but later became friends. He's got a great personality, fun to talk to and honestly I hope he doesn't change.

Alvin - We used to battle everyone but ourselves. I remember how you used to try RANDOM stupid stuff in any class, where I'd support you.

Steven (Boobs) - We go way back from nlRO, we used to talk shit about everyone and disregard what they said :)

Ami - Was.

Pooh - Lol this dude! I remember killing him a few times in the past as Remy. Then he stopped gangers from trying to kill me and we became friends. Really fun and funny to talk to.

Bidoof Justin - RANDOM guy, I don't know HOW you do stuff... funny as hell guy, I used to laugh when he'd say "fml" after dying as a noob sniper.

Chris (HerLove) - Was once an enemy, we became friends after we created an alliance that was later broken once Influence rose again.

Dina - Hardcore homosexual lover, we do bad things to eachother and call eachother fags. I love him as much as my penis does. Mmmm Dina sounds great for lunch, time to eat him......

Levis - Great friend that followed what I asked him to do, to this day I wonder what he's doing, kinda miss the dude.

Sarduarkar - We both used to talk randomly to eachother about interesting stuff in PvP. Never really fought, whenever we tried we just ended up having a conversation.

Jelly - This little fgt used to try to kill me ALL the time in for_fild lmao. Funny as hell guy, loves my cock. :)

That's all I feel like writing down, my hands hurt.. Sorry if I missed anyone.


Aww, thanks guys for including me in your lists. It actually brightened my night up. ♥ I love you all.

My personal friend list (in no order):

Crystal♥ - My best friend for life. She has been there through thick and thin with me and she will always have my trust. Through all of these years I could never ask for a better friend.

Charl♥tte - A very close friend of mine who I cherish and love with all of my heart. I would trust her with my life and

love her to death!

Epic - A very close friend of mine who I have stayed in contact with even when he had quit. He always gives me advice on guys and helps me get through those dark times. I love you, GG!

Peter - My very awesome RO husband! We've been married for over a year on RO and he's a very good friend of mine. He got me to play again! ♥

Charles (RawrKnight) - My musical soul mate! I love when you send me songs via msn that I become addicted to. You're amazing and I love it to death when you occupy my time. ♥ :D

Mike - Aww, I love you Mike! EVEN IF YOU DON'T REMEMBER HOW WE BECAME FRIENDS. We argued over a signature that he made of Ami (It was a penguin that said something about failing), so I defended her and was upset. We argued for about an hour and then I apologized and we hit it off. You're always hilarious and I love photoshopping you boobs.

Jae - You are such an over generous and caring person. You're always here for me and always give me the best advice and I am so grateful that you are in my life. Thank you so much for everything.

Jerry - Jerry, you have been a close friend of mine for over a year. After we were hired, You, Pat, and I hit it off. We were the three inseparable GMs and I loved it! I still miss you so much and always worry about how you are doing. You're such an amazing friend and I love you to death.

Pat - Hi bbboy! ♥ I love you! As mentioned above, we hit it off when we were hired together! I loved out GM wars on hidden maps even though you would totally own me. You're such a great friend and I miss you when I'm away because you never log on msn!

Jay - Aww, I love it when you call me Momo. You're always hilarious and know how to make everyone around you love you with that charm of yours.

Maria - I met you through Elli a few months ago. You had just started to play the server and didn't know anyone. You're really smart, beautiful, and talented. We had a moment that is T0P S3C3RT and nobody shall ever know. ♥

Elli - You're a beautiful girl with an amazing talent to charm the world around you. You stress too much about guys though, and it sucks! You deserve the best, babe!

Dina - Thanks for the baseball cap! You're always super generous and "smooth" when it comes to everything. Never change!

Derek - Haha, we've always had fun times goofing off. I've always enjoyed every minute with you and all the laughs we have shared.

Thai - Get over yourself plz. Amorous > Fate. LOL. Just kidding! You know I love you. ♥ You had me at hello. ;)

Cooch - You're such a sweetheart. You make me smile even when I'm sad and I consider you a great friend.

Ming - I've always enjoyed when you would MSN me in your class. Of course I hadn't been to bed yet and you always talked about how stupid your class is. You're great, Ming!

Ami - I remember when I met you! I was just hired as a GM last year and we talked in @go 15 for hours about how boys sucked. Haha, you're awesome and I love you to death!

Rin - I've know you for sosososo long. You're a super sweet girl and you deserve so much in life. You're amazingly smart, devoted, and loving. Ilu ♥

Maureen - You're so funny, Maur. Puspus! ♥ We always had fun times PvPing in for_fild01! I would love it when people would complain about us ganging and we would laugh in party chat. Ilu gurl!

Smeay - Smeay! Shirtless pictures, now! I need to photoshop you b00bs! Just kidding! You're awesome and I love when we have random talks.

Jorge #1 (Genesis) - Hi, J! You are an amazingly smart person. You always keep yourself busy and do whatever it takes for the server. Even though you own me at Combat Arms, I promise I will you back with a few headshots! You rock, J!

Jorge #2 (Zeitgeist) - I have always enjoyed your company. It didn't matter if you were sending me youtube poops on msn or PvPing with me and overusing "QQ", you always knew how to have fun! You're a great friend and do an amazing job helping the server.

Sensation - I've enjoyed GMing with you so much. You always knew how to spice up events with your traps and the best hiding spots ever for Hide and Seek. You're awesome.

Tyler - I love it when you spam me on msn telling me that I have changed my name for the 54654654th time. You always know how to put a smile on my face and I thank you for that!

Mezri - I miss you! You were always so fun to chat with. I remember when you were first hired as a moderator and needed back up for the forum. Now you've taken the reigns on your own and you do an amazing job keeping the forums flame free. I miss you!

Icon - You simply rock, my friend. You also know how to spice things up and your devotion to Influence is amazing. I always enjoy chatting with you.

Jelly - I love you! Your pixel secks is always so funny and you always make me laugh so hard I almost cry. Don't quit!

Alright, I know I have left out some people and I apologize. It is 3:39am and my hands are tired now! Sorry for this incredibly long list and please do not be upset if I left you out! I am friends with almost everyone here and I love you all individually in your own ways. I do not know what I would ever do without any of you. Thank you so much for welcoming me into your community and befriending me. I love you all!


I found out who i missed LOL.


Epic:Met him when i join Influence.

Smeay:Kos him.

Thai:Cousin (Mean cousin D:)





Jason(Nu0c Mam):Cousin.

David(mushroom head):Cousin.

Jae:Met him when he joined Destiny.

Levis:Met him in pvp.

Nikki: Met her in Destiny.

Pat: Kept Tarot Card me D:.


Huy:(Me!) man that boy is mean to me.D:

Ps; I think i'm still missing someone but idk!!

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