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Guide to Minstrel/Clown

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lol dude your 2nd post just annoyed the shit out of me, anyways so for this thread to never make it pinned or anything like that, i request a gm to delete the thread, lol hows that sound, anyways lol i take back thanking pretty cool guy,

btw if i take it serious, its still my nature btw just wondering 1 last thing why are you so over sensitive with English anyway? just wondering that after all we are talking about how people do type how they want it but anyways further argument is pointless im happy right now XD something good just happened and i don't want it to be ruined lol just pm me your answer bro XD, oh for those who are wondering why i type many XD, XP , XO its just my habit of typing, of course when i'm on duty i do it properly ^____^

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