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John is Hawt

My lame poem :/

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I wrote this for English class and I want you guise to judge it D:

My Eng teacher said it was somewhat.. morbid.

“Judgment of Sins”

Let the hurricanes tear the towns apart,

Let perish the natives and the farmers.

Beckon us with a cure, whose location is impart,

Chain me, oh knight in shining armor.

Let villages of the poor burn to the ground.

Oh, help the priests who martyr in glee.

Let us pray for the rain, to calm the flames about,

And let live the hot and smoking debris.

Let the plagues of hell give us a drought,

Let the people of the earth be dammed.

And let us purify the mumbles of your speech,

Do nothing about the crisis at hand.

And let the demons of the depths run free,

And gobble up this world of green.

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