Amitsu Posted May 5, 2009 Report Posted May 5, 2009 It isn't 100% Swine Flu. It is an evolved version of the Swine Flue or H1N1 A as they are calling it. It contains strands of Avian and Regular Human Flu. Right now the panic is the treatment. The Flu is so unpredictable but it is just like any other Flu. It is still Treatable by a few medications but with its rapid escalation in fever is what seems to scare people the most. No one has died from the flu but they have died because of the effects of the flu : Pneumonia. Basically if you get the flu you are advised to treat it like anything else. Don't panic or raise your anxiety levels because then you will raise your fever and then youw ill be in critical. Tons of people of recovering and its Death ratio is really low. This is nothing to panic about So just don't fall into the medias depiction of the scenario. Swine Flu (H1N1 A) is hardly lethal ^^ Swine Flu is a flu the Pigs can get and if a pig with swine flu is killed and eaten raw or has not been cooked at the appropriate temperatures ( 160 degrees) then that is how the virus spreads. What kuyuti's nerd paragraph says is true. Swine flu mutated to a point where it can be transferred from person to person. Some child already died to it probably because he is young with a weaker immune system than the majority of us. It is basically the combination of the swine flu bird flu and human flu. NO you cannot get it from food because its the same as a regular flu, transferred from person to person. You CAN get the swine flu from food IF you share it with someone WITH the flu. so basically you can get the swine flu from Mexican pigs, not any other pigs, if you come in contact with it in ways that you can get a flu from a person. And we wont die from it because it is jsut a flu. perhaps a strong one but not strong enough to kill those with strong immunities.
Kuyuti Posted May 5, 2009 Report Posted May 5, 2009 The flu can be contracted from eating raw pig, regardless of what anyone says. If the pig isn't cooked at the right temperature than the virus will not be spread. but if it isn't then it could be spread. Now I don't know who eats raw pig but if you do I'm sorry to hear that your diet plans have changed. It is spread through contact ect. People aren't dying from the flu people they are dieing from inflame lungs due to the all the symptoms of the flu. The flu is hardly lethal only if your fever takes a high jump will it become lethal. When the infection started to spread I did a bit of research on my own and decided to the ignore the medias Hype. So Yes it can be spread by uncooked pig, It can be spread by rodents, insects, people or any other host that is able to carry the virus. It must be inhaled or entered into the body in someway to be spread. So don't breathe in someones sneeze and keep your hands clean. The Symptoms are the same as a flu, I would suggest over the counter Meds and only call the DR or the ER if you are having trouble breathing and your fever is higher than normal I think if everyone starts to "panic" that is when this could become a pandemic. Flu seasons is at is close which means that the flu won't last much longer but it will most likely come back next flu season which could be a problem if a formidable Vaccine or treatment plan isn't set up for this flu :). Im not a medical Geek I just read and study a lot.
Dart Posted May 5, 2009 Report Posted May 5, 2009 Try reading something that has solid backing, with the World Health Organization. All quotes are from the link above How does this new H1N1 virus spread? Spread of this H1N1 virus is thought to be happening in the same way that seasonal flu spreads. Flu viruses are spread mainly from person to person through coughing or sneezing by people with influenza. Sometimes people may become infected by touching something with flu viruses on it and then touching their mouth or nose. How long can an infected person spread this virus to others? At the current time, CDC believes that this virus has the same properties in terms of spread as seasonal flu viruses. With seasonal flu, studies have shown that people may be contagious from one day before they develop symptoms to up to 7 days after they get sick. Children, especially younger children, might potentially be contagious for longer periods. CDC is studying the virus and its capabilities to try to learn more and will provide more information as it becomes available. Can I get infected with this new H1N1 virus from eating or preparing pork? No. H1N1 viruses are not spread by food. You cannot get this new HIN1 virus from eating pork or pork products. Eating properly handled and cooked pork products is safe. Is there a risk from drinking water? Tap water that has been treated by conventional disinfection processes does not likely pose a risk for transmission of influenza viruses. Current drinking water treatment regulations provide a high degree of protection from viruses. No research has been completed on the susceptibility of the novel H1N1 flu virus to conventional drinking water treatment processes. However, recent studies have demonstrated that free chlorine levels typically used in drinking water treatment are adequate to inactivate highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza. It is likely that other influenza viruses such as novel H1N1 would also be similarly inactivated by chlorination. To date, there have been no documented human cases of influenza caused by exposure to influenza-contaminated drinking water. Are there medicines to treat infection with this new virus? Yes. CDC recommends the use of oseltamivir or zanamivir for the treatment and/or prevention of infection with the new H1N1 flu virus. Antiviral drugs are prescription medicines (pills, liquid or an inhaler) that fight against the flu by keeping flu viruses from reproducing in your body. If you get sick, antiviral drugs can make your illness milder and make you feel better faster. They may also prevent serious flu complications. During the current outbreak, the priority use for influenza antiviral drugs during is to treat severe influenza illness. So next time anyone goes and does a little research on their own, try using a source that's known to be solid and not just a ton of crap thrown together.
Terroryst Posted May 5, 2009 Report Posted May 5, 2009 ya so i was rite u dont get it from pigs the fok
Devotion Posted May 5, 2009 Report Posted May 5, 2009 No you apparently can't get it from pigs. That's why they changed its name, because people were thinking the wrong thing. We shouldn't be freaking out. Thousands of people die from the Flu in North America each year. This is nothing new. The reason scientists are worried is because it is a new mutation. So they are treating it with more care.
Kuyuti Posted May 5, 2009 Report Posted May 5, 2009 Actually -.- if you read the quote a bit closer it says No. H1N1 viruses are not spread by food. You cannot get this new HIN1 virus from eating pork or pork products. Eating properly handled and cooked pork products is safe. They started calling it by its "scientific" name once the pork industry started to complain because of their sales and prices started plummeting. That would also be why the site made a clear statement on how it couldn't be spread by "food" or that eating "properly handle and cooked pork" is safe. Which it is - People in the pork industry properly handle their pork ect. I'm saying you can get it from grabbing a big that has the virus and killing it and eating it right away ^^. I never said anything about the pork industry which is perfectly safe to eat pork that has been processed ect. And yes oseltamivir or zanamivir are used to treat it there is also a few other treatments but those 2 are preferred. Unfortunately dart I just don't throw stuff together I use sensibility :). I watched the CDC conferences and a few other things :). Actually the Flu can be spread through any object which is why people are closing schools. The flu can only last on an inanimate object for a few days or so ( Sorry forgot the length :/) so that is why no school "cleanings" are necessary. This Flu isn't a "real" Pandemic, or in my opinion.
Jae Posted May 5, 2009 Report Posted May 5, 2009 Actually -.- if you read the quote a bit closer it says No. H1N1 viruses are not spread by food. You cannot get this new HIN1 virus from eating pork or pork products. Eating properly handled and cooked pork products is safe. They started calling it by its "scientific" name once the pork industry started to complain because of their sales and prices started plummeting. That would also be why the site made a clear statement on how it couldn't be spread by "food" or that eating "properly handle and cooked pork" is safe. Which it is - People in the pork industry properly handle their pork ect. I'm saying you can get it from grabbing a big that has the virus and killing it and eating it right away ^^. I never said anything about the pork industry which is perfectly safe to eat pork that has been processed ect. And yes oseltamivir or zanamivir are used to treat it there is also a few other treatments but those 2 are preferred. Unfortunately dart I just don't throw stuff together I use sensibility :). I watched the CDC conferences and a few other things :). Actually the Flu can be spread through any object which is why people are closing schools. The flu can only last on an inanimate object for a few days or so ( Sorry forgot the length :/) so that is why no school "cleanings" are necessary. This Flu isn't a "real" Pandemic, or in my opinion. Find me anywhere on the internet or on the news (make sure the site has credentials) where a person got the Swine Flu via eating Pork.
Kuyuti Posted May 5, 2009 Report Posted May 5, 2009 I don't have to its obvious you can get swine flu from a stapler ^^ even if you wanted to
teacupx Posted May 5, 2009 Report Posted May 5, 2009 No you apparently can't get it from pigs. That's why they changed its name, because people were thinking the wrong thing. We shouldn't be freaking out. Thousands of people die from the Flu in North America each year. This is nothing new. The reason scientists are worried is because it is a new mutation. So they are treating it with more care. Oh god. YOU CAN GET IT FROM PIGS. This flu originated from pigs, duh. Pigs can catch avian, swine, and human viruses. They're the gene swapping grounds. This H1N1 virus originated from a pig. You can get this virus from pigs, birds, and humans. "Georgia Division of Public Health Director Sandra Elizabeth Ford said Friday that, from now on, the virus will be referred to as H1N1 influenza. The hope is that the name change will stop the misconception that the virus can be contracted by eating pork, Ford said." You cannot get the virus from eating pork. Raw or cooked. This is a respiratory flu. I'll summarize. 1. You can get this flu from pigs. 2. You cannot get this flu from pork (cooked OR raw).
Dart Posted May 6, 2009 Report Posted May 6, 2009 Pork = Pigs. The life span of the Flu on an object is 2-8 hours. And I apologize if you felt offended Kuyuti, it seemed as if you were just basing what you said off of media nonsense, and not a solid source. Also, wouldn't killing an infected pig and eating it mean that you're eating pork?
teacupx Posted May 6, 2009 Report Posted May 6, 2009 Pork = Pigs. The life span of the Flu on an object is 2-8 hours. And I apologize if you felt offended Kuyuti, it seemed as if you were just basing what you said off of media nonsense, and not a solid source. Also, wouldn't killing an infected pig and eating it mean that you're eating pork? Unlike the H5N1 bird flu virus, which infects the blood, organs and tissue of poultry, most swine flus are confined to the respiratory tract, meaning the risk of a human getting infected by a pig is "probably 10 or a 1,000 times less," Lubroth said. Just because something is infected with a flu, doesn't mean that it's able to spread everywhere in it's body and every inch of them is infectious.
Maiku Posted May 6, 2009 Report Posted May 6, 2009 No you apparently can't get it from pigs. That's why they changed its name, because people were thinking the wrong thing. We shouldn't be freaking out. Thousands of people die from the Flu in North America each year. This is nothing new. The reason scientists are worried is because it is a new mutation. So they are treating it with more care. Hi, Even though that is true. Thousands of people die from the regular flu because they don't get it treated. There is a cute for it and some people just let it kill them. How ever people should and could freak up about this new flu. There isn't a cure yet. So if you get it there's nothing you can do. So please freak out. ^_^ I know I am. Bye.
Terroryst Posted May 6, 2009 Report Posted May 6, 2009 Dart quoted that smart thingy and they said they had a cure. It's easy to keep your hands clean too you know, lol.
Amitsu Posted May 6, 2009 Report Posted May 6, 2009 The flu can be contracted from eating raw pig, regardless of what anyone says. If the pig isn't cooked at the right temperature than the virus will not be spread. but if it isn't then it could be spread. Now I don't know who eats raw pig but if you do I'm sorry to hear that your diet plans have changed. It is spread through contact ect. People aren't dying from the flu people they are dieing from inflame lungs due to the all the symptoms of the flu. The flu is hardly lethal only if your fever takes a high jump will it become lethal. When the infection started to spread I did a bit of research on my own and decided to the ignore the medias Hype. So Yes it can be spread by uncooked pig, It can be spread by rodents, insects, people or any other host that is able to carry the virus. It must be inhaled or entered into the body in someway to be spread. So don't breathe in someones sneeze and keep your hands clean. The Symptoms are the same as a flu, I would suggest over the counter Meds and only call the DR or the ER if you are having trouble breathing and your fever is higher than normal I think if everyone starts to "panic" that is when this could become a pandemic. Flu seasons is at is close which means that the flu won't last much longer but it will most likely come back next flu season which could be a problem if a formidable Vaccine or treatment plan isn't set up for this flu :). Im not a medical Geek I just read and study a lot. ponchetta is basically like raw bacon isn't it? my friend was eating it on her meat only diet. not too sure. Swine flu mutated to a point where it can be transferred from person to person. Some child already died to it probably because he is young with a weaker immune system than the majority of us. It is basically the combination of the swine flu bird flu and human flu. NO you cannot get it from food because its the same as a regular flu, transferred from person to person. You CAN get the swine flu from food IF you share it with someone WITH the flu. so basically you can get the swine flu from Mexican pigs, not any other pigs, if you come in contact with it in ways that you can get a flu from a person. And we wont die from it because it is jsut a flu. perhaps a strong one but not strong enough to kill those with strong immunities. let's just leave it at that and stop repeating yourselves. thanks. btw this also includes something like sharing eating utensils and licking a stapler and having someone else lick it too. but in any case. it can be spread the same way as any other flu or sickness. end of story.
Amitsu Posted May 6, 2009 Report Posted May 6, 2009 ponchetta is basically like raw bacon isn't it? my friend was eating it on her meat only diet. not too sure. let's just leave it at that and stop repeating yourselves. thanks. btw this also includes something like sharing eating utensils and licking a stapler and having someone else lick it too. but in any case. it can be spread the same way as any other flu or sickness. end of story. SHUT THE FUCK UP, DO YOU KNOW HOW? different places have their own story and assumptions relating to the matter. and a majority of the times i see your posts not helping
teacupx Posted May 6, 2009 Report Posted May 6, 2009 woahhh Amitsu is PMSing today when you're angry, just think of our guild, and how awesome it is.
Amitsu Posted May 6, 2009 Report Posted May 6, 2009 cant tell me to read when you don't do it yourself. hypocrits are a bliss.
teacupx Posted May 6, 2009 Report Posted May 6, 2009 cant tell me to read when you don't do it yourself. hypocrits are a bliss. bliss n. 1. Extreme happiness; ecstasy. 2. The ecstasy of salvation; spiritual joy.
Devotion Posted May 6, 2009 Report Posted May 6, 2009 So back on topic (AHEM), there is no reason to freak out Maiku. The flue kills people with fever and mainly pneumonia. The pneumonia settles in only after a few days. So if you think you're sick with the flu, go see a doctor. If you can't see one, take aspirin and lots of cold baths to lower your body temperature.
» Pat Posted May 6, 2009 Report Posted May 6, 2009 Actually increasing your body temperature helps fighting the virus. Viruses do hardly re-produce themselves at a high temperature and that's exactly why you get the fever and feel hot. Your body heatens up to stem the pathogens. So taking cold baths isn't really helpful. Whenever I get a fever, I keep myself warm, stay in bed, drink alot and eat lots of chilli and such. The chilli stimulates your circulatory and keeps you warm. But that's just me.
SithKnight Posted May 6, 2009 Report Posted May 6, 2009 The HP is just pissing me off because I still die from Asura with usakoring, double rays, ghostring and 255 vit. Hai, you do get it from pigs, hence the name "SWINE" flu. It's very possible to get a disease from animals. Disease from animals Rabies - any infected animal Bird flu - figure it out for yourself AIDs - monkeys, baby! toxoplasma gondii - Cats. Doesn't really do anything, but hey.. Could eventually. Salmonella - chickens and turkeys There's a lesson to learn here; Animals are only good for eating. If they stay alive, they give us AIDs. Kill 'em all! i think you can get salmonella from reptiles like Snake