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My 19th birthday is coming up around da corner :devil:

and im leaning towards a psp.

the only thing is, i cant decide what to get for it.

im already gonna get FFT: War of the Lions.

hands down.

and i was wondering what to get as a second game? or should i wait till towards the end of may /mid june and take a look at some of the games coming out after my birthday?


question are u ok with getting japanese games?



tell mes how to hack dat hoe :D

i got a shit load of gameboy games i can play on dat thing /gg

and @nines:

nope, i live in america, and i cant read jap :D


hack it put ps1 games rofl. how to hack? i dunno lol


Hack it and get everything on a memory stick lmao I dunno how it's done though, Psp hacking is rampant in my country.


tell mes how to hack dat hoe :D

You only need to update your firmware with a custom one. Mine is using 3.71 M33, it's a bit dated but still OK. You can run ISO files of games from your memory stick after that.

There are guides out there on how to update it just google it, be careful though, try not to turn your new PSP into a brick. :devil:



ill google how to hack psp :D

cuz i will do anything to play Legend of Dragoon or Golden Sun on ma psp


Just look up how to custom firmware your PSP.

It involves cutting open your battery though so be careful. >__>;;

But if you do finish, you can download games for free, and put emulators for GBA, SNES, and PSX on your PSP. <3


i read and saw all the confusing stuff to do to hack a psp.

and as for the battery, one video gave a website u can buy a pandora battery and a memory stick together for like, less then 20 dollars :D

then after that, all i gots to do is download the programs and then find a digimon and legend of dragoon disks ;/

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