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Class Strengths and Weaknesses

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ya, totally way to lazy to read all that.

lol yea i have a bad habit of long crappy posts

I reckon Gypsy/Clown are pretty strong atm, but its kinda in a similar category to SB sinx and Champs...if your opponent is in full reducs and you cant kill them quickly either by a 1 or 2 hit ko ur pretty much a goner. but other then that they normally can kill in with a 2hit ko. gypsys and clowns will still own most classes which dont use a shield. Same with SB sinx, but i guess a small hp boost would make them better... im not too sure of what their hp is like...all i know is it isnt as low as gunslingers and isnt as high as snipers...

Short Form

- gypsy/clown similar to sb sinx and champs

- quick kill or get killed

- yes maybe a small hp boost

I reckon Gypsy/Clown are pretty strong atm, but its kinda in a similar category to SB sinx and Champs...if your opponent is in full reducs and you cant kill them quickly either by a 1 or 2 hit ko ur pretty much a goner. but other then that they normally can kill in with a 2hit ko. gypsys and clowns will still own most classes which dont use a shield. Same with SB sinx, but i guess a small hp boost would make them better... im not too sure of what their hp is like...all i know is it isnt as low as gunslingers and isnt as high as snipers...

220 vit = 150k hp.

Same with SB sinx, but i guess a small hp boost would make them better...

You have no idea how bad that suggestion could be.

Defender doesn't reduce Acid bomb or CT x_x dunno why though.



    * Defending Aura
    * Guard
    * Flee & DEF



    * Shield Reflect
    * Guard
    * Cicada Skin Shed
    * Parry
    * Energy Coat

(Cart Termination is short ranged, even if it doesn't reflect)

EDIT: Also

White Smith

Strengths - can carry alot of yggs (500-600), CT damage cant be reflected, can repair broken items, fast walk speed

Weakness - Owned by high short range damage (ie Bowling bash, SinX) [gets raped by decrease agi - slow walk speed]

Cart Boost dispells decrease agi.

You have no idea how bad that suggestion could be.

i was refering to giving gypsys/clowns a hp boost not sinx...sinx are considered one of the most played classes on FRO so itd be stupid to make them more powerful.


Actually, I can't find any viable weakness of Assassin Crosses other than their inability to wear a shield. Usually, they'll just cloak and try to drain your berries out while you struggle to force them out of hiding. And they simply put two edges or two quad LOD weapons and coma you to try and pick you out of Usakoring shield. Whats worse is that they can just Sonic Blow spam to finish you up. How's that for a character.

And I recently found out that Lord Knights aren't limited to just one weapon set. You may use just one type of build, but the choices of weapons are wide in variety. For example, a non-phreeoni LK (150 base dex for 450 base hit) may not use a phreeoni carded weapon for max output of damage, but they are welcome to use a phreeoni carded weapon as backup. However, with the costs of elite weapons and cards soaring at a weird rate, its not really advisable to have 2 weapon sets unless you can afford it.

Actually, I can't find any viable weakness of Assassin Crosses other than their inability to wear a shield. Usually, they'll just cloak and try to drain your berries out while you struggle to force them out of hiding. And they simply put two edges or two quad LOD weapons and coma you to try and pick you out of Usakoring shield. Whats worse is that they can just Sonic Blow spam to finish you up. How's that for a character.

And I recently found out that Lord Knights aren't limited to just one weapon set. You may use just one type of build, but the choices of weapons are wide in variety. For example, a non-phreeoni LK (150 base dex for 450 base hit) may not use a phreeoni carded weapon for max output of damage, but they are welcome to use a phreeoni carded weapon as backup. However, with the costs of elite weapons and cards soaring at a weird rate, its not really advisable to have 2 weapon sets unless you can afford it.

yes sinx are really strong....they are also one of the most expensive to play

lol congrats on passing strategy 101. imagine hotkeying your equipment wow thatd be a revolution.

obviously these strategys have downsides....weight, and your ability to change equips at the right TIME against multiple chars and still being able to aim (multi-tasking).

On midrate/lowrate servers with armours that only have 1 slot...players skill are more focused by skill to utilize multiple equips and not the ability to spam berrys.

Skill consists of ability to AIM, SPAM, MULTITASK, TIMING, DECISION MAKING...not just spam

220 vit = 150k hp.

Non-Tao user here. 255 vit = 135k hp on rays. kthxbai.

Actually, its either you spam and you die or you spam and take out more berries from storage. :>

yea thats what it is on this server


Strengths - One Hit KOs, quick relatively high damage, Root

Weakness - Paladins, GR+Raydric+Usok Shield (Reducs = Damage Slowish, considering ygg spam can be done about 4times as fast as a champ can deal tss or speed asura), Low HP when using Tanee


I honestly see no disadvantage for most classes, so long as you know how to play them to their utmost limits.

I honestly see no disadvantage for most classes, so long as you know how to play them to their utmost limits.

I disagree

For there to be advantages in one player/class there will be dissadvantages in another

you cant have one without the other.

And playing to a classes limits means to play to strengths...and for there to be strengths there has to be weaknesses.

Its like yes and no the meaning of yes cant exist without a meaning for no

Game Master

Advantages - 1m HP, insanely high stats, @kill

Disadvantages - OP Damage = dies a lot to reflect, especially magic


Hey guys,I have some questions related with creator.Hope that you all can help me out.Is AD a magic attack and will it be reflected by maya card or anything to do with GTB card???


Well, u can always break a champs weps, or take of strip armor/helm and freeze them... Use irfits and then asura rofl or BB or whatever, u just gotta figure diff combos, and not be getting ganged :P


I fight my duels without ever resorting to strip/break. Coma maybe, but that's the lowest I can go. Even in group fights, I never use strip/break and I still manage to win 60-70% of the time. I carry a WS/Strip weapon just to remind me to never to use it.

I fight my duels without ever resorting to strip/break.

You can say that coz your main damage stat is atk, rather than matk.


I'm gypsy, I can't avoid breaking people's shits. :<

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