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unwanted's store

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Tao Gunka [ 30 ] *1

+10 Forsaken King Armor [ 80 ] *1

= 110. Lol.

PM Celerity. <3

Not now, tho. Working sux. qq.



Angeling [ 2 ]

Arch Angeling [ 2 ]

Atros [ 10 ] *2

Develing [ 20 ] *5

Dragoon Warlord [ 15 ]

Dragoon Wizard [ 15 ] *10

Drake [ 10 ]

Eddga [ 5 ]

Fallen Bishop [ 30 ] *2

Forsaken Master Forger [ 110 ] *2

Garm [ 10 ] *2

Gemini-S58 [ 4 ] *15

Ghostring [ 4 ] *11

Golden Thief Bug [ 25 ] *9

High Priest [ 15 ]

Incantation Samurai [ 30 ]

Kiel D-01 [ 35 ] *

Lord of Death [ 15 ] *16

Maya Purple [ 2 ] *7

Mistress [ 5 ]

Orc Lord [ 30 ] *26

Phreeoni [ 35 ] *1

Skoll [ 8 ] *13

Tao Gunka [ 30 ] *5

Turtle General [ 25 ]

Baphomet [ 15 ]

Gloom Under Night [ 40 ] *2


+0 Valkyrie Helm [95]

+10 Forsaken King Armor [80]

+0 Forsaken King cloak [95]

+0 Forsaken King Shoes [95]

STR Belt [ 90 ] *2

VIT Belt [ 90 ] *2

INT Belt [ 90 ] *1

Mixture A Belt [ 90 ] *3


Forsaken Dagger [ 70 ] *1<<<<-------Ill buy this

Forsaken Katar [ 25 ] *2

Forsaken High Priest Book [ 35 ] *5

Forsaken High Priest Shield [ 10 ] *3

Forsaken High Priest Armor [ 10 ] *3

Forsaken High Priest Cloak [ 10 ] *3

Forsaken High Priest Shoes [ 10 ] *3

Forsaken Creator Axe [ 25 ] *3

Forsaken Creator Shield [ 10 ] *2

Forsaken Lord Knight One-Handed Sword [ 25 ] *3

Forsaken Lord Knight Two-Handed Sword [ 10 ] *8

Forsaken Lord Knight One-Handed Spear [ 50 ]<<<<-------Ill buy this

Forsaken Lord Knight Two-Handed Spear [ 25 ] *8

Forsaken Lord Knight Shield [ 10 ] *3

Forsaken Lord Knight Armor [ 10 ] *3

Forsaken Lord Knight Cloak [ 10 ] *3

Forsaken Lord Knight Shoes [ 10 ] *3

Forsaken Champion Mace [ 35 ]

Forsaken Champion Knuckles [ 45 ] *3

Forsaken Gypsy Harp [ 35 ]

Forsaken Sniper Bow [ 40 ] *1

Forsaken Whitesmith Axe [ 50 ] *3


Angeling Rucksack [ 500 ]

Develing Rucksack [ 500 ]

Moon Aura [ 30 ]

Observer [ 15 ]



Pls reserve Tao Gunka, and Skoll <3 TY!



Angeling [ 2 ]

Arch Angeling [ 2 ]

Atros [ 10 ] *2

Develing [ 20 ] *5

Dragoon Warlord [ 15 ]

Dragoon Wizard [ 15 ] *10

Drake [ 10 ]

Eddga [ 5 ]

Fallen Bishop [ 30 ] *2

Forsaken Master Forger [ 110 ] *2

Garm [ 10 ] *2

Gemini-S58 [ 4 ] *15

Ghostring [ 4 ] *11

Golden Thief Bug [ 25 ] *9

High Priest [ 15 ]

Incantation Samurai [ 30 ]

Kiel D-01 [ 35 ] *

Lord of Death [ 15 ] *16

Maya Purple [ 2 ] *7

Mistress [ 5 ]

Orc Lord [ 30 ] *26

Phreeoni [ 35 ] *1

Skoll [ 8 ] *13

Tao Gunka [ 30 ] *5

Turtle General [ 25 ]

Baphomet [ 15 ]

Gloom Under Night [ 40 ] *2


+0 Valkyrie Helm [95]

+10 Forsaken King Armor [80]

+0 Forsaken King cloak [95]

+0 Forsaken King Shoes [95]

STR Belt [ 90 ] *2

VIT Belt [ 90 ] *2

INT Belt [ 90 ] *1

Mixture A Belt [ 90 ] *3


Forsaken Dagger [ 70 ] *1

Forsaken Katar [ 25 ] *2

Forsaken High Priest Book [ 35 ] *5

Forsaken High Priest Shield [ 10 ] *3

Forsaken High Priest Armor [ 10 ] *3

Forsaken High Priest Cloak [ 10 ] *3

Forsaken High Priest Shoes [ 10 ] *3

Forsaken Creator Axe [ 25 ] *3

Forsaken Creator Shield [ 10 ] *2

Forsaken Lord Knight One-Handed Sword [ 25 ] *3

Forsaken Lord Knight Two-Handed Sword [ 10 ] *8

Forsaken Lord Knight One-Handed Spear [ 50 ]

Forsaken Lord Knight Two-Handed Spear [ 25 ] *8

Forsaken Lord Knight Shield [ 10 ] *3

Forsaken Lord Knight Armor [ 10 ] *3

Forsaken Lord Knight Cloak [ 10 ] *3

Forsaken Lord Knight Shoes [ 10 ] *3

Forsaken Champion Mace [ 35 ]

Forsaken Champion Knuckles [ 45 ] *3

Forsaken Gypsy Harp [ 35 ]

Forsaken Sniper Bow [ 40 ] *1

Forsaken Whitesmith Axe [ 50 ] *3


Angeling Rucksack [ 500 ]

Develing Rucksack [ 500 ]

Moon Aura [ 30 ]

Observer [ 15 ]


I want to buy Your Tao Gunka my IGN -=[Asura]XgeN=- pm me THX


ill buy all taos plz.

IGN: Bullet. and Intimacy.

Im in escape so , i should be easy to find


Store is Empty. Everything was sold. sorry for not updating everyone.. been busy..



Forsaken Dagger [ 70 ] *1

If this is a sinx Fdag. I want it @_@

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