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Who wants to MvP Hunt?!

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Hey I'm looking for MvP hunting partners, since I can't take down any of them by myself. I tried for 10 minutes and its HP barely changed at all.

Anyway, the MvP that I wanna take down is Incantation Samurai, for the MvP card obviously. I'm trying to do the Elite Quest. :/

Anyway, if anyone wants to give it a try, my in-game name is; Typhlosion

I'm a Ninja.


Yeah sure, hunt me a MVP and we'll kill it, but not all MVPs i can.


that is a bloody easy

if you want the card

then get me to help but only if you will show respect

ever since Yusuke Yurameshi left the server

i have been the best mvp hunter


Thanks alot to you both!

You can find me on Typhlosion (my ninja), usually just sitting around Fcity.

Or just message me on here.


if im online

pm me in game =D


MY GUILDSMEN CAN HELP YOU JUST MESSAGE ME IM ALWAYS ONLINE MY NAME IS S.R. and if u cant see me ask my guildmste the name of the guild is HellRios takecare always godbless..

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