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Homepage Suggestion

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i've been pretty new to this server and just got the url from a good friend. I tried to find some information about this server, before starting, but tbh, it's pretty hard to find any.

I would suggest, that you put some more details on the frontpage, so people can inform theirself without registering to the forum/asking other people nor making spamthreads.

Information which is missing:

- Max level (i know, it can be found on the voting sites, but not on the main page)

- Max stats (had to went ingame to ask for it / making a thread about it)

- WoE times (for a lot of people, WoE plays an important part in ro and they decide which server they join on the WoE times)

My greatest apologies if i missed those information anywhere on the frontsite of Forsaken RO.




Yeah you're right, they're missing :D

Anyway, Welcome here.

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