hi.i recently done part 1 of the quest of fate.i followed the guide provided here,but before i start on the 2nd part,loki keeps on saying that baldr gave me something.its odin's precious draupnir.so i came back to hel and talk to all of them again but they wont talk to me anymore,probably bexause i already talk to three of them.now i cant start 2nd part because loki still ask for the draupnir and someone told me that its an etc item that should have been given after i talk to baldr yet i recieved nothing.im sure that i dont have full inventry and i did not remove any or throw away.help pls i tried evrything already,i even magnified and keeps on coming back to loki hel baldr and curse guy for like ten times.ive only played for a month and its my first time doing the quest.i did everything on the guide i even tried carrying all the mats for 1st part of cursed ring but still loki wants odins precoius draupbir.