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Introducing a new mini-installment of the Fate of the Gods storyline! A new optional path has been added to the Episode II storyline arc. Talk to Heimdall in arena_room before talking to Odin and Thor at the end of the quest to unlock the new Guardians of Asgard quest and raid! Ancient Guardian Rings (applies to rings, jackets, scarfs, ribbons, and non donated) [Assassin Cross of The Guardian] Str +15, Int +15, Vit +10, Max HP +10%, Max SP +10%, -5% cast delay reduction, Walking speed +15% Reduce damage taken from Demihumans by 5% Increase damage of Meteor Assault by 100%, Soul Destroyer by 50% [Champion of The Guardian] Str +10, Agi +20, Max HP +25%, Hit +100, Walking speed +15% Reduce damage taken from Demihumans by 5% Increase Raging Trifecta Blow by 50%, Raging Quadruple Blow by 80%, Raging Thrust by 100%, Chain Crush Combo by 120% If combined with Lady Tanee card and/or Fallen Bishop Hibram card, decrease Max SP by 100%. [Clown of The Guardian] Str +25, Agi +15, Max HP +15%, Atk +15%, Walking speed +15% Reduce damage taken from Demihumans by 5% 2% chance to cast lvl 10 Bash on enemy target with increased damage of 1000%, 6% chance to cast lvl 10 Heal with increased effect by 750% to self when dealing Physical damage. [Creator of The Guardian] Vit +25, Str +25, Max HP +15%, Max SP +10%, Walking speed +15% Reduce Vit def by 10%, Enable use of Magnetic Earth, increase Aid Condensed Potion by 20%, 100% chance to get Condensed White Potion and Plant Bottle from Plant monsters. Reduce damage taken from Demihumans by 5% [Gunslinger of The Guardian] Vit +35, Dex +20, Max HP +20%, Max SP +10%, Walking speed +15% Reduce Vit def by 10%, Increase damage of Tracking by 650%, Reduce casting time of Tracking by 50%, Reduce damage taken from Demihumans by 5% [Gypsy of The Guardian] Str +25, Agi +15, Max HP +15%, Atk +15%, Walking speed +15% Reduce damage taken from Demihumans by 5% 2% chance to cast lvl 10 Holy Crosson enemy target with increased damage of 1000%,4% chance to cast lvl 10 Heal with increased effect by 150% to self when dealing Physical damage. [High Priest of The Guardian] Vit +35, Int +10, Max HP +25%, Max SP +10%, After cast delay -5%, Walking speed +15%, Enchant armor with Ghost property, Increases effectiveness of Healing skills by 90%, 3% chance to Heal self when receiving physical and magical damage. Reduce Vit def by 10%, Reduce damage taken from Demihumans by 5% [High Wizard of The Guardian] Int +20, Vit +20, Max HP +10%, Max SP +25%, Matk +20%, Walking speed +15% Reduce damage taken from Demihumans by 5%, Reduce Vit def by 10%, Increase damage of Napalm Vulcan by 50% [Lord Knight of The Guardian] Str +20, Vit +35, Max HP +10%, Max HP +10%, Walking speed +15% Reduce damage taken from Demihumans by 5% Increase damage of Magnum Break by 150%, increase damage of Counter attack by 300% Decrease damage of Spiral Pierce, Bowling Bash, and Brandish Spear by 100% [Ninja of The Guardian] Str +30, Agi +20, Max HP +35%, Max SP +10%, Atk +30%, Crit +25, Increase damage on medium size monsters by 10%, Walking speed +15% Reduce Vit def by 10%, Increase damage of Shadow Slash by 400%, 2% chance to cast Falling Frozen Crystal with increased damage of 100% Decrease damage of Final Strike by 100% Effects nullify if combined with Tyr Shuriken. Reduce damage taken from Demihumans by 5% [Paladin of The Guardian] Int +35 Vit +10, Max HP +15%, Walking speed +15% Reduce damage taken from Demihumans by 5% Increase damage of Gloria Domini by 1000% Decrease damage of Grand Cross, Holy Cross, and Shield Boomerang by 100% [Professor of The Guardian] Vit +25, Dex +20, Max HP +10%, Max SP +20%, Matk +10%, Walking speed +15% Reduce Vit def by 10%, Increase damage of Soul Siphon by 290% Reduce damage taken from Demihumans by 5% [sniper of The Guardian] Str +20, Int +45, Max HP +15%, Walking speed +15% Reduce damage taken from Demihumans by 5% Lvl 10 Over weight, Increase damage of Blitz Beat by 3500% and Arrow Shower by 40% [soul Linker of The Guardian] Str +20, Vit +40, Max HP +40%, Max SP +25%, Atk +15%, Hit +50, Walking speed +15% Reduce Vit def by 10%, 6% chance to cast Back Stab with increased damage of 60% when doing normal attacks. Reduce damage taken from Demihumans by 5% [stalker of The Guardian] Str +30, Agi +15, Max HP +15%, Max SP +10%, Atk +10%, Walking speed +15% Reduce damage taken from Demihumans by 5% Increase damage of Bowling Bash by 10% [star Gladiator of The Guardian] Str +40, Vit +20, Max HP +40%, Max SP +10%, Walking speed +15% Reduce Vit def by 10%, Crit +100, Atk +15%, Inflict 20% more damage with Critical Attacks, 2% chance to cast Counter Kick with increased damage of 1000% when doing physical damage, Reduce damage taken from Demihumans by 5% [super Novice of The Guardian] Str +30, Vit +20, Max HP +25%, Max SP +20%, Atk +10, Walking speed +15% Reduce Vit def by 10%, 2% chance to cast Desperado with increased damage by 50% when doing physical attacks, 4% chance to lvl 10 Provoke self when receiving physical damage. Reduce damage taken from Demihumans by 5% [Taekwon of The Guardian] Str +40, Vit +10, Agi +10, Max HP +20%, Max SP +20%, Atk +10%, Hit +60, Walking speed +15% Reduce Vit def by 10%, Increase damage of Flying Kick by 20%, 2% chance to Full Divest a target when doing physical attacks, Enable use of lvl 10 Bless and Increase Agi Reduce damage taken from Demihumans by 5% [Whitesmith of The Guardian] Str +20, Int +40, Max HP +10%, MATK +50%, Walking speed +15% Reduce damage taken from Demihumans by 5% 3% chance to cast Napalm Vulcan with increased damage of 700% to target. 4% chance to cast Stave Crasher with increased damage of 40% to target. As part of the Guardian expansion, new recolors are now available for the Drake Jacket, Lovely Ribbon, and Slayer Scarf! Introducing a new GM-Hosted event: Conquest! A battle between two teams: The Conquerors and The Defenders. Defenders must not let the Conquerors break the Emperium to win the battle of the Conquest. We've also added the Jumbled Password event. Decipher the code of the Treasure Chest to win prizes! Find Cluerings inside the map and they will give you clues to the code. (applies to rings, jackets, scarfs, ribbons, and non donated) [star Gladiator of Damned] NEW! Vit +40, Max HP +40%, Max SP +25%, Walking speed +15% Reduce Vit def by 10%, 8% chance to cast lvl 10 Heal to self with increased effect of 400% when receiving physical and magical attacks. Reflect 20% of all Physical attacks dealt to you. Reduce damage taken from Demihumans by 5% [star Gladiator of Divine] NEW! Str +30, Vit +30, Max HP +40%, Max SP +25%, Atk +15%, Hit +100, Walking speed +15% Reduce Vit def by 10%, Increase damage to Ghost property by 20%, Increase damage to small sized monsters by 20%, Reflect single target Magic damage to caster (50% chance) Reduce damage taken from Demihumans by 5% [super Novice of Divine] NEW! Str +30, Agi +20, Max HP +25%, Max SP +20%, Hit +100, Walking speed +15% Reduce Vit def by 10%, Increase damage of Bash by 80%, Increase damage of Magnum Break by 80% Reduce damage taken from Demihumans by 5% [super Novice of Damned] NEW! Int +30, Vit +20, Max HP +25%, Max SP +20%, Hit +100, Walking speed +15% Reduce Vit def by 10%, Increase damage for Cold Bolt 10%, Fire Bolt 10%, and Lightning Bolt by 25%, Increase damage of Mammonite by 150% Reduce damage taken from Demihumans by 5% [Assassin Cross of Damned] Str +20, Vit +20, Max HP +10%, Max SP +10%, Atk +8% Cast delay -5%, Walking speed +15%, Reduce Vit def by 10%, Increase damage done with Sonic Blow by 15% Reduce damage taken from Demihumans by 5% [Creator of Damned] Int +20, Vit +20, Max HP +10%, Max SP +10%, Atk +15%, Walking speed +15%, Reduce Vit def by 10%, Increase damage of Mammonite by 350% Reduce damage taken from Demihumans by 5% [Clown of Damned] Vit +20, Dex +20, Max HP +15%, Max SP +5%, Walking speed +15% Increase damage with Double Strafe by 15%, Increase damage with Musical Strike by 40%, Decrease damage of Arrow Vulcan by 100% Reduce damage taken from Demihumans by 5% [Gypsy of Damned] Vit +20, Dex +20, Max HP +15%, Max SP +5%, Walking speed +15% Increase damage with Double Strafe by 15%, Increase damage with Throw Arrow by 40%, Decrease damage of Arrow Vulcan by 100% Reduce damage taken from Demihumans by 5% [High Wizard of Damned] Int +20, Vit +20, Max HP +10%, Max SP +20%, Matk +20%, Walking speed +15% Reduce Vit def by 10%, Increase damage of Storm Gust by 30%, Lord of Vermillion 500% Reduce damage taken from Demihumans by 5% [Ninja of Damned] Int +40, Max HP +20%, Max SP +20%, Matk +25%, Walking speed +15% Reduce Vit def by 10%, Increase damage of Kamaitachi by 10% Reduce damage taken from Demihumans by 5% [Ninja of Divine] Int +20, Vit +20, Max HP +20%, Max SP +10%, Atk +10%, Matk +20%, Walking speed +15% Reduce Vit def by 10%, Increase damage of Final Strike by 150% Reduce damage taken from Demihumans by 5% [Priest of Damned] Str +25, Agi +20, Max HP +15%, Max SP +10%, Atk +20%, Hit +100, Walking speed +15% Reduce Vit def by 10%, Increase damage of Sonic Blow by 40% Reduce damage taken from Demihumans by 5% [Priest of Divine] Int +35, Max HP +15%, Max SP +10%, Matk +20%, After cast delay -5%, Walking speed +15% Reduce Vit def by 10%, Increase healing skills by 20%, Increase Holy Light 15% Reduce damage taken from Demihumans by 5% [Professor of Divine] Int +35, Vit +20, Max HP +15%, Max SP +10%, Matk +35%, Walking speed +15%, Reduce Vit def by 10%, Increase damage of Heaven's Drive by 30% Reduce damage taken from Demihumans by 5% [sniper of Damned] Dex +45, Max HP +15%, Max SP +10%, Walking speed +15% Reduce Vit def by 10%, Increase damage done with Focused Arrow Strike by 20% Reduce damage taken from Demihumans by 5% [sniper of Divine] Dex +45, Max HP +15%, Max SP +10%, Atk +7%, Walking speed +15% Reduce Vit def by 10%, Increase damage done with Double Strafe by 15% Reduce damage taken from Demihumans by 5% [soul Linker of Damned] Vit +25, Int +35, Max HP +40%, Max SP +25%, Matk +15%, Walking speed +15% Reduce Vit def by 10%, 8% chance to cast lvl 10 Heal to self when receiving physical damage. Reduce damage taken from Demihumans by 5% [soul Linker of Divine] Str +30, Vit +35, Max HP +40%, Max SP +25%, Atk +15%, Hit +100, Walking speed +15% Reduce Vit def by 10%, Increase damage to medium size monsters by 10%, 5% chance to cast lvl 2 Grimtooth and 2% chance to cast lvl 5 Grimtooth with increased damage of 300% when dealing physical damage. Reduce damage taken from Demihumans by 5% [stalker of Damned] Int+ 30, Dex +10, Max HP +15%, Max SP +20%, Matk +15%, Walking speed +15% Reduce Vit def by 10%, Enable the use of Lvl 5 Heaven's Drive Reduce damage taken from Demihumans by 5% [stalker of Divine] Int+ 20, Dex +20, Max HP +10%, Max SP +15%, Atk +15%, Walking speed +15% Reduce Vit def by 10%, Flee +15 Reduce damage taken from Demihumans by 5% [Taekwon of Damned] Str +35, Agi +35, Max HP +60%, Max SP +25%, Atk +7%, Hit +100, Walking speed +15% Reduce Vit def by 10%, Increase damage of Tornado Kick by 1000%, Reduce damage taken from Demihumans by 5% [Taekwon of Divine] Str +35, Vit +35, Max HP +25%, Max SP +25%, Atk +15%, Hit +100, Walking speed +15% Reduce Vit def by 10%, Increase damage of Heel Drop by 800%, Roundhouse by 500%, Counter Kick 430%. Reduce damage taken from Demihumans by 5% New improvements & buffs to Dragonist Armors [Assassin Cross] Str +15, Dex +15, Vit +15, Max HP +15% [With Forsaken King Set] Immunity to freeze, all stats + 10, max hp+5% [if Dragon's Fury is enabled] Allows use of Warm Wind Lv. 1-4. [Champion] Str +15, Int +15, Vit +15, Max HP +15% With Forsaken King Set] Immunity to freeze, all stats + 10, max hp +5% [if Dragon's Fury is enabled] Allows use of Warm Wind Lv. 1-4. [Clown] Dex +15, Int +15, Vit +15, Max HP +15% [With Forsaken King Set] Immunity to freeze, all stats + 10, max hp +5% [if Dragon's Fury is enabled] Allows use of Warm Wind Lv. 1-4. [Creator] Int +15, Str +15, Vit +15, Max HP +15% [With Forsaken King Set] Immunity to freeze, all stats + 10, max hp +5% [if Dragon's Fury is enabled] Allows use of Warm Wind Lv. 1-4. [Gunslinger] Dex +15, Int +15, Vit +15, Max HP +15% [With Forsaken King Set] Immunity to freeze, all stats + 10, max hp +5% [if Dragon's Fury is enabled] Allows use of Warm Wind Lv. 1-4. [Gypsy] Dex +15, Int +15, Vit +15, Max HP +15% [With Forsaken King Set] Immunity to freeze, all stats + 10, max hp +5% [if Dragon's Fury is enabled] Allows use of Warm Wind Lv. 1-4. [High Priest] Int +15, Str +15, Vit +15, Max HP +15% [With Forsaken King Set] Immunity to freeze, all stats + 10, max hp +10% [if Dragon's Fury is enabled] Allows use of Warm Wind Lv. 1-4. [High Wizard] Int +20, Agi +15, Vit +15, Max HP +15% [With Forsaken King Set] Immunity to freeze, all stats + 10, max hp +5% [if Dragon's Fury is enabled] Allows use of Warm Wind Lv. 1-4. [Lord Knight] Str +15, Dex +15, Vit +15, Max HP +15% [With Forsaken King Set] Immunity to freeze, all stats + 10, max hp +5% [if Dragon's Fury is enabled] Allows use of Warm Wind Lv. 1-4. [Ninja] Str +15, Int +15, Vit +15, Max HP +15% [With Forsaken King Set] Immunity to freeze, all stats + 10, max hp +5% [if Dragon's Fury is enabled] Allows use of Warm Wind Lv. 1-4. [Paladin] Str +15, Int +15, Vit +15, Max HP +15% [With Forsaken King Set] Immunity to freeze, all stats + 10, max hp +5% [if Dragon's Fury is enabled] Allows use of Warm Wind Lv. 1-4. [Professor] Int +15, Agi +15, Vit +15, Max HP +15% [With Forsaken King Set] Immunity to freeze, all stats + 10, max hp +5% [if Dragon's Fury is enabled] Allows use of Warm Wind Lv. 1-4. [sniper] Dex +15, Int +15, Vit +15, Max HP +15% [With Forsaken King Set] Immunity to freeze, all stats + 10, max hp +5% [if Dragon's Fury is enabled] Allows use of Warm Wind Lv. 1-4. [soul Linker] Int +15, Dex +15, Vit +15, Max HP +15% [With Forsaken King Set] Immunity to freeze, all stats + 10, max hp +5% [if Dragon's Fury is enabled] Allows use of Warm Wind Lv. 1-4. [stalker] Dex +15, Str+ 15, Vit +15, Max HP +15% [With Forsaken King Set] Immunity to freeze, all stats + 10, max hp +5% [if Dragon's Fury is enabled] Allows use of Warm Wind Lv. 1-4. [star Gladiator] Str +15, Dex +15, Vit +15, Max HP +15% [With Forsaken King Set] Immunity to freeze, all stats + 10, max hp +5% [if Dragon's Fury is enabled] Allows use of Warm Wind Lv. 1-4. [super Novice] Str +15, Int +15, Vit +15, Max HP +15% [With Forsaken King Set] Immunity to freeze, all stats + 10, max hp +5% [if Dragon's Fury is enabled] Allows use of Warm Wind Lv. 1-4. [Taekwon] Str +15, Dex +15, Vit +15, Max HP +15% [With Forsaken King Set] Immunity to freeze, all stats + 10, max hp +5% [if Dragon's Fury is enabled] Allows use of Warm Wind Lv. 1-4. [Whitesmith] Str +15, Dex +15, Vit +15, Max HP +15% [With Forsaken King Set] Immunity to freeze, all stats + 10, max hp +5% [if Dragon's Fury is enabled] Allows use of Warm Wind Lv. 1-4. Corrected description of Amadarias and Bijoucards (but effects are still the same from previous patch) Amadarias Card Atk +2% [Thief] Max HP -1% For each 2 refine levels: you get Str +1, Atk +1% Card effect nullifies when more than 3 cards is used. Bijou Card Atk +4% [Thief] Max HP -1% For each 1 refine level: you get Str +1, Atk +1% Card effect nullifies when more than 3 cards is used. Fixed NPC for reseting stats Ashard's Essence corrected to Asgard's Essence Fixed Purple and Green Noble Hat of Girl Lost Orbs event: Kill all players, turn off PvP, and enable walls when winner is announced Parasyte event: Add NPC for players to go out of the map Corrected J??ngandr's Rage to Jormungandr’s Rage Fixed description of Bjorn's Blade (Increased damage of Bowling Bash by 50%, Increase damage done to medium sized monsters by 25%) Storyline by Veracity Guardian, Damned, Divine, Weapons, Runes, Dragon Armors effects by Ares Events by Ares Testing by Ares, Genesis, Bishop, and Danger Coding by Genesis Previous by Barbie ForsakenRO Theme composed by Reginald Espritu and produced by Ares Scripts reloaded at 12:07 PM
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