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In this Topic design a comic using ASCII you can choose to add onto the person above yous comic or you cab simply start your own I think all comics should be 3 to 4 frames but you if you wish to do more go for it :D I want to see all your creative comics no ones is bad so remember if you are posting in reply to someones be positive and encouraging. I will show an example of a Comic using [GM]Veracity as a model >-< (Sorry Vera) Example: [*-Pokes-*] ()() \/ (\(\ ( ^.^) --> (- - ) c(")(") (")(")o [GM]Fell [GM]Veracity [Vera would you make] [me steak cookies? ] [Ewwwww, No] ()() \/ (\(\ \/ ( ^.^) --> (=.=) c(")(") (")(")o [GM]Fell [GM]Veracity [b-but they could be] [You are a disgrace to] [AMAZING!!!!!! ] [cookie lovers I said... ] ()() \/ (\(\ \/ ( ^.^) --> (=.=) c(")(") (")(")o [GM]Fell [GM]Veracity |\ /| { NO! } \ \ \ / / / |/ \| / \ / \ / / / \ \ \ | | | | / / / \ \ \ \ / \ / / / / \ \ \ / o\ /o \ / / / \ \ \ \ vwwv / / / / \ \ \ / / \ \ / / / \ \ \ | /| | | |\ | / / / \ \ \ '^^'/ \ . / \'^^' / / / \ \ \ | | | | / / / \ \ \ /././ l l \.\.\ / / / [GM]Veracity Bunnyzilla *This is a dream I had I have nightmares and Vera is in them* ,d88b.d88b. 8888888888 'Y888888Y' 'Y8888Y' 'Y88Y' Vera I love you :D 'Y' But Everyone knows Vera is to cute and kind to ever do this... This one turned out better :D
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