With the ddos attack happening and having nothing much to do, I figure I'd finally introduce myself (⌒▽⌒)
Im psha, short for Porsche, like the car!! You can also call me Starr or any of my character names! :D
So I've been away from RO from a few years and a friend of mine (tomomiii in game) decided to start up our RO craze again :3
I came from the hidden and Avalon RO networks, before they died, and haven't joined much servers since, so I'm glad I found forsaken :D
Having a great time so far, it's great to be playing again(≧∇≦)
I don't have any friends here yet, so if anyone sees me in town, don't be afraid to say hi! I love making new friends ♪(v^_^)v
My character names are down in my sig
Also, if there's any 日本人、友達になろうよ!! よろしく!!♪(v^_^)v