SOOOOOOOOOO, I guess most of you guys already know the Tracking damage (w/ Guardian rings) and apprently its getting abused on woe which 2 hits people in woe's.
So my suggestion is Lower the damage of Tracking from 650% to 100 or 150% something, AVG damage of Tracking is already 30-40k each hit and adding 650% would be crazy damage and its not fair to other class and also Nerf the Full Buster damage or maybe try removing the Max HP 40% of it. GS is the most UNBALANCED Class these days it just not fair to other class who do 30-50k avg damage while GS can do 90k easily w/o thana ._. . So please nerf GS for the sake of PvP and WOE and more. I know most of people would disagree about this its BECAUSE THEIR ARE USING GS THEMSELVES and abusing it. BE FAIR fix this sht thats all THANKS!