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About Ezekiel

  • Birthday 10/04/1994

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Marysville, WA
  • Interests
    Gaming, reading, rollerblading, animals, etc.

Previous Fields

  • Real Name
  • Ingame Character Names
    Veidelnhaus [GS]
  • Guild
    Kvetznas Militia

Ezekiel's Achievements


Novice (1/10)



  1. Hi Yeung. I've got an Emblem request if your up to it. :3 I recently made a guild called the Kvetznas Militia, which is a guild based on the real-life russian military division, the Kvetznas(obviously. LOL), and i was wondering if you could make a guild emblem with the following: Theme: Military Background: Black (so as to see the emblem) Preferred Emblem accessory: either the Hammer & Sickle, (not sure if thats german or not, i dont really pay attention to them. xP) or the Private FC insignia with a star above it. In gold, if you could :3 Thanks in advance, Ezekiel.
  2. Ezekiel


    Thanks, thanks, and thanks. P.S: Iunno, you might xP
  3. Ezekiel


  4. Ezekiel


    Thanks yusuke, will do.
  5. Ezekiel


    Hey, Ezekiel here. Theres not really that much to say, except that I'm glad to be here, and I hope that I make a lot of friends during my time here on F-RO.
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