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Forsaken Elite
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About Faye

  • Birthday 01/05/1990

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    England, North-East
  • Interests
    Anything anime/gaming related, really..<br /><br /><3 my XBOX 360 [& awesome new kick-ass laptop wheee~]

Previous Fields

  • Real Name
  • Ingame Character Names
  • Guild
    The Mafia

Faye's Achievements


Novice (1/10)



  1. Happy Birthday! ;)

  2. Hai my purdy mommeh. <3 I still hate daddeh. : D

  3. Pretty~

    You should post some more pictures in my topic on the guild forums! =D

    Loads'a people would love it.

  4. I know there are loads of different RO servers around on the net.. Some not as popular as others. But I already know this one has been up for a while. Looks a little familiar, amirite? I don't want people getting into troube; I wanna know if we have permission to use thier sprites. Plus, people are being charged real money for something unoriginal...? A little unfair dont'cha think? Opinions and corrections of my 'knowledge' would be appreciated. =D
  5. u pwn forums :D

  6. Hai thar guild matie~

  7. hai guildmate :)

  8. I add r comment!!! Yaaaay~

    A duuudie, you gots muscle? Scaaaary ;~:

  9. In your comments, spamming.

  10. I GAVEZ U 5 STARZ.

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