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Everything posted by Feitan

  1. I vote for Blueberry, his sig is very simple but still good decorated. I especially like the frame and the use of the text + lines, the heart is nice and fits very well. These are just my opions to explain why i vote for blueberrys, dont hate me guys other people will have other opinions ^^ ( my sig suxx anyways)
  2. Feitan


    no i think he just wants to make a senseless thread, he said people who breath (everyone)since he didnt answer to correct his post its probably a troll
  3. Feitan


    not so funny :thumbsdown_anim:
  4. Feitan

    PvP QQ

    who is haley williams ? :tired:
  5. Feitan

    Bio Lab Level 4

    it would be great if they had custom cards too and moar exp *_*
  6. Feitan

    School drawings

    U know this guys... u sit in school and got nothing to do cuz ur finishd with everything or u don wanna work , and u get bored oh whats that a loose leaf! and suddenly you are caught in your drawing and cant let go of it (at least i feel so lol) well i was wonderin if everyone can get their favourit school drawings up in this post cuz i think there are a couple of good ones :O here's my first xD its crazy i know but i like this stuff oO guess it would be pretty funny to describe them xD
  7. oh another animated sig :) i should've done smthing animated too :(
  8. Feitan

    rip sprites

    hey does anybody know how to rip sprites from ro? it would be gread to get some sprites like fbh aura and other custom items
  9. cuz RO is jay cool anyways, i took sprites from other game for background :angel:
  10. the song is just great
  11. crap no possibility of doing a new entry ? :<
  12. i tried to watch this anime but i couldnt watch past episode 2 it was too confusing lol
  13. jeah i know its crammed with crap :D
  14. want to participate too.
  15. Listening to Harry Potter VI right now lol. best idea ever to download an audio book and put it on mp3 now im prepared for booring times in school :D
  16. Feitan


    bye man... i dont know u but ur sig is cool
  17. i like very hot stuff but seriously...how can u like the taste??? i hate horseradish taste ^^
  18. maybe this will give you a hint http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1831503
  19. that is a cowring
  20. Feitan

    Carpe Noctem

    y should they, i know that ppl often use yggdrasil01 for mvp creating but that was cuz the plants dont move and they are great targets, anyways nvm ^^ i just wanted to know if its a fact but unfortunately it seems it isnt
  21. Feitan

    Carpe Noctem

    just out of curiosity. who says that or where do you have the information from? or is it just like -You- have a higher chance at them?
  22. looks very cool lol but snes will always be the best :D
  23. wow the new guillotine cross skills are cool lol, especially the poisons (reminds me on WoW rogue poisons) Poisoning Weapon * Max LV: 5 * Prerequisites: Create New Poison LV 1 * Type: Active / Buff * Description: Coats your weapon with one of the Guillotine Cross poisons. While attacking there is a chance to poison the target with the selected poison. Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5 Poisoning Chance 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% Duration 60s 120s 180s 240s 300s e.g. Paralize - For 300 seconds, decreases attack speed by -10%, evasion -10%, and movement speed by 1/2. Oblivion Curse - For 300 seconds causes the target to suffer from amnesia. While in amnesia it blocks natural SP recovery, and cannot be canceled via Lex Divinia or green potion. While in this status you cannot use any skills. This one is nice too but seems pretty OP (Reminds me on wow rogue Shadowstep Lol) Dark Illusion * Max LV: 5 * Prerequisites: Cross Impact LV 3 * Type: Active / Damage - Special * Description: Rapidly closes the distance to a target and deals damage. Has a low chance to trigger Cross Impact. Skill Level 1 2 3 4 5 Damage 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Max Range 3 cells 4 cells 5 cells 6 cells 7 cells
  24. 12x12 AoE asura
  25. Feitan

    my stuff

    cool stuff, i like the parachute guy most, his hands are awsm!
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