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About Pokie

  • Birthday 02/21/1991

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  1. Its what Cirrus says, I added the Str, after the Dex. Dex, is the Dex I kept increasing by increments of 10. Pre-ASPD, ASPD before Slow Grace. Post-ASPD, ASPD after Slow Grace. Str, the amount of Str I started to add after my Dex was max. (Considering IG on the skill description it reads Str affects ASPD, so I thought I might as well give it a try.) Agi, Agi affects the walking speed, I thought maybe its a combination of the two that affects ASPD, but at this point...I got fed up. Lol. (Agi, when Dex is already max and Str is where I last added) As for the class, I tested it on your typical breaker/pvp sinx builds. However, there were two Gunslingers and a Priest, the results were still the same. From my tests the greatest amount Dex reduced ASPD is only 2.5% (Which is the max 5 point reduction) Also, the reduction rate isn't even linear, so I can't really say how Slow Grace reduces ASPD. At the points where ASPD was effect Dex was increased by: 170 (191) then 210 (190) Unless, the rate is going up 40 * 4.25 = 170 , 40 * 5.25 = 210, then the next one is 40 * 6.25 = 250. The next change in ASPD being 250 Dex more, there is no way to reach 630 Dex just for the 3% change in ASPD.
  2. Well, I've come to a conclusion that ASPD on Slow Grace is messed.
  3. I already checked that link before I created the thread. That's based off iRO, but I thought that considering that this is a high rate server, and the stats distribution is slightly different, then the rate which it changes is different as well.
  4. Well, I tried using str, but it didn't do anything. I switched between Str belts and Dex belts. Although the change was very minuscule, Dex belts decreased ASPD vs Str. I tried Dex: 1 +59 then added the Dex belts to it (+80 dex = 1+ 139) and the change in the rate of decreased ASPD was 1. =/ Would it be wise to max Agi for decrease in walking speed? Or does it not affect it at all? Decrease in ASPD can be very helpful though. Depending on the situation. :P Not to mention it annoys players considering they are so depended on max ASPD. :3
  5. Does anyone happen to know if there is a cap to the stats of Slow Grace? Meaning, is there a cap to how much Agi decreases movement speed? Also, for ASPD, the skill reads that Str affects it, however in iROWiki it states that Dex affects it. Any input? Depending on which one, is there a cap for it as well; to how much ASPD you can lower to the other player? And the rate at which it decreases?
  6. I wish you were back already , carpe is dying right now.

  7. Pokie :D

    (sounds like some cookie chocolate...)

  8. i don't need 10m anymore, took you long to answer ;-;

  9. Bloggeh page? @___@ Whaaa?

  10. Pokie

    @ 3@ Whaaaa~~

  11. Hi nabbeh. ;D I R HERE TO HALP CHOO!

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