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About Lacey

  • Birthday 03/26/1986

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  • Gender
  • Location
    USA Texas, Southern Pride
  • Interests
    RO, Music, Online, Active Dispute, Religion, Science

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  • Real Name
  • Ingame Character Names
    Lacey, Cris Cross
  • Guild
    Rise Of

Lacey's Achievements


Knight (3/10)



  1. Nice!
  2. Lacey

    hello :D

    Sup there person I dont know, Im sorta new, but already got the big fat warm FRO Welcome from all these guys LOL Wonder what kinda trash there gonna post after me next LMAO :happystrange:
  3. Haha while we are at it lets ad a no gear room and all stats 1 room so we can Only Bitch Slap LMAO :laughingsmiley:
  4. WOOOOOOHOOOO! Im at a Big 20-Warn Probably 30 or 40 after This XD LMAO
  5. Lacey

    you know what...

    Yea But I dont think Seeking while dead is Fair to any one either, I mean /where + respawn + @warp Will do just fine just delays your seek
  6. Lacey

    you know what...

    That would be my only problem Left from this topic, I dont believe that it is fair for The Dead player to tele and win, If someone does Die They need to be able to prove that they honestly see the GM by sitting next to them. Look heres My Advice and this is how I would solve the Problem from ever arising Round 1 Is simple and non PK also less prize Round 2 Not as simple and Hints are given, also non PK and Less Prize After the 2 rounds Im all for PK Mode and No holds Bars Lower Dungeon Maps, Just so long as my efforts are paid well if I was to win. I dont see why That method wouldn't work, and I dont see any reason that It should be Argued about it not being fair. 2 rounds Noob Mode per H&S Event cant Hurt any one can still win that And if they want to go for Gold and Only Gold then Just wait for the 1st 2 rounds to be over To sum Up, No Dead People and at least 1 or 2 rounds Noob Mode Thats all the Newbies could ask for
  7. Lacey

    you know what...

    Thats True. Thats Why The Events that are 90% in your control should STAY THAT WAY! I appreciate your effort in this matter and I no longer believe that the events are one sided TY. and Hopefully My friends will return once talked to
  8. Lacey

    you know what...

    Being Dead in an event Is still unfair to everyone playing, Why should New players have a handicap, "..." says: O the new player is dead like 5 cells from me and says "I found You" The Handicap Doesnt make it any better But TY and Really I dont care about it personally But I have friends that have Left this week because they cant Event, Also It has come to my attention that the New GMs are doing Real well with the event and Having each round get progressively Harder, Thats fine Just so long as everyone gets a fair turn In some point of this quest I mean H&S and Dice are the only 2 that New players can Do PS i tried spacing my long posts... Any easier to read? Why should I even Look at that Link... Apparently it didnt work for you! /no1
  9. Lacey

    you know what...

    What the hell are you people even talking about, Troll! Fail! :suicide_anim: I hope you all have fun with that because your flames are in the minor league step it up a Notch if you wanna flame with the big dogs nabs
  10. Lacey

    you know what...

    I think The Asura thing Is funny LMAO Did You still Win the Event????
  11. Lacey

    you know what...

    Thats Funny LMAO I must Know more about today's Event lol Also I have No Clue WTF you are even Talking About "Troll" I started the Discussion, and its a Topic under Rants, I believe that makes You Troll today Nab!
  12. Who here is upset, I think its funny that rather the accepting the fact that Someone can 1 up them, They have to cry and flame people that might possibly agree with the players they dont agree with, Honestly I see It 2 ways On one hand If your kicking someones Ass that thinks there Pro because of the gear they have, Then thats great On the other hand is if you utilize the same tactic over and over on any one then thats noob that you cant find things to make yourself better. Cry and Flame all you want, it dont bother me because really if your flaming me its because your to Narrow Minded and noob to accept the facts
  13. Lacey

    you know what...

    Well its simple, If Im new Lv 210 and No Wings no gear NPC Head gear and I spawn on a map and I start seeking, Theres bound to be at least That One Ass that cant stand to see a Noob I could be right next to the GM getting ready to sit and Say "I Found You" and get PKd and Guess what happens then "Ass wins H&S event" So In that case Would I really come back to the map? Or I could just be walking and looking Im sure without a doubt I would be killed by someone and before I can return, the Round is over, It use to happen to me alot before I got gear " I never really see people killing each other while looking for the GM." Well that may be for a few Really Good Reasons For Starters unless your helping in the Training Process of the new GMs More then not You Are that "GM" How exactly Are you Going to see people Killing each other when Your suppose to have your spot Picked, Or is that like the time one of my room mates found the GM and Conveniently "Someone else" Already Found the GM Secondly Is the Fact that Most New players Probably have already been through this and Decided that they are too new to Event at all Look All Im saying Is that it is fine to go H&S on the Lower level Dungeons and PK maps but Why is it that More so then not The GM has to pick one of these areas I mean Damn How many rounds are in H&S If people want to Cry about it being to easy then maybe they shouldnt come BECAUSE I DOUBT THAT WILL HAPPEN, Its Funny There complaints went Heard, Why is it that just because the New Player wont say any thing that They shouldnt Automatically have the chance to be involved? Also If I didnt like the PK i Wouldnt be here, But there are times when its just unfair to PK
  14. Who are you to Insinuate that I Coma People? Obviusly You Just joined this topic because In one of my prior posts I mentioned that I see Coma both ways and that I dont use it and it Is a Bitch. Before you Cry about What someone Posts Maybe you should go and read the entire thread /no1
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