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About Ampithea

Contact Methods

  • AIM
    Ask first, stalker (:
  • MSN
    Ask first, stalker (:
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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    In your head.
  • Interests
    Things and stuff. lol.

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Ampithea's Achievements


Novice (1/10)



  1. Lol, cool.

    I rarely had a b'day party -___-"

    My mom sometime doesn't even remember when's my birthday, life sux. D:

  2. t'was wonderful, thank you for askin'~

    Huge dinner, amazing family, the world's greatest friends, and decliiiicious cake! ;)

    & of course, 20 years of life was a pretty awesome gift too. ;P

  3. Lol, its k. :3

    So how's ur B'day Party? :D

  4. Super late reply, but thank you for the birthday wish! :)

  5. Thanks so much. I appreciate it (:

  6. I do hope you love it here. If you need help, you can always ask me and I can get on. ;D

  7. Ampithea

    This or that

    Uh...Br? I haven't read all of the posts so I don't know if this has already been asked... but here it goes anyway: Music or Movies?
  8. Come off as a "fun-loving" person. (:
  9. I see...

    That's pretty much what happened to my old server. I still love it but there's just too much drama + almost all the oldies are gone >:

  10. The people had changed, a lot of the GOOD friends left, just more drama now.

  11. Oh yeah? How so, if you don't mind me asking?

    I think I'll have fun once I get to know more people.

  12. Things around here have changed so much. I rarely get on in game. I moved my whole guild to a different server, but I still support fRO. =]

  13. xP Glad it gave you la laugh. My name is Mimi, it's a pleasure to meet you too (:

    Actually, it's about time I befriended someone on here. People in-game seem pretty...anti-social.

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