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About dvora

  • Birthday 10/10/1986

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  • Interests
    Music.<br />Games.<br />Reading.<br />Trying to be somewhat fashionable.<br />Keeping my school life and social life going.

dvora's Achievements


Novice (1/10)



  1. ohh cool thanks il check it out right nows <3

  2. woahh i wanna tryyy do u know what website? :/

  3. that's cool same here ive only been playing for a week :] LMAO @ ur avatar picture, looks just like you!!!

  4. hi dany ! lol are you new? :]

  5. dvora

    Gogol Bordello

    Punk Rock Parranda is amazing.
  6. dvora


    Thank you for looking out.
  7. It was okay for what it was going for. Only thing that bothered me was Leon's Face. Idk why it just bothered me throughout the whole movie. I would still add it to my zombie movie collection though. Indeed.
  8. dvora

    Gogol Bordello

    I will have to say my favorite album would be: Gypsy Punks Underdog World Strike My favorite song ATM would be: Strange Uncles From Abroad
  9. ATMOSPHERE FTW Oh and some Aesop Rock.
  10. dvora


    I just wanted to stop by and say my hellos to the forum community. My names Dany. I've played Ragnarok for maybe 3 years now on another server. I had a falling out with that server so I slowly stopped playing. Then I took a 2 year break due to school and my studies. I had a random moment and felt like starting up again but on a new server. Reading the information that was given at the website this server seems rather interesting. So I hope I can get along with the server community and the forum community. Thank you for hearing me out. May we have fun on all aspects of this game. :thumbsup_still:
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