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Forsaken Elder
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About nero_Pr!esT

  • Birthday 03/31/1990

Contact Methods

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    my house with Desi /gg
  • Interests
    pretty much everything Desi likes ;D

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nero_Pr!esT's Achievements


Knight (3/10)



  1. so many neros ;...;

  2. I gave you 5 stars and you went from 2 to 3, I ROOL MHEN

  3. hey tkrs dont get owned by reflect they get owned by people who use high damage like champs(root&asura) or sinx(high HP&higher damage) >: they abuse the spammy asura and or the easy click then ygg spam >: also sucks when im tryin to fight and do decent damage i need a huge party to even do 10k but anywho when 3rd classes come around all hell is gonna break loose lol
  4. nabs yo nabs
  5. sure<3
  6. I know right? :blink:
  7. These guys are still having trouble? Damn that sucks! I finished FF7 on the same files and links desi sent on here. xD
  8. u still hasnt replied back to me yet >:[

  9. I played SG and try to see how well a mvp SG would stand to a mvp so i summon a amon ra i wasnt able to do really hxc damage w/ union cause i didnt have fbh(amon ra is demi-human) i sure died extremely fast though. and it sucked cause i had to fight him in thor cause i saved the warmth of the sun there ._. If possible make it so u can use the warmth skills over? and the hatred? would help a lot on the SG part.
  10. this is funny lol someone should make it thay cant spam that msg on us lol

  11. why spam on my comments? im right around the couch bby:3

  12. sup perry nice interest lul

  13. y can't I spam. ); <3

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