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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by xstealx

  1. xstealx

    IT'S SO HOT.

    Its usually around 32°C-34°C on Indonesia.So fkin hot.

  3. When i pm u in game, why u always off >_>
  4. U stalk me ? QQ

  5. How can i PM u ? >_>

    Ive tried to pm u, but u always not onlie :p

  6. 80 for ur str belt ?
  7. Streakcorporation = whitestreak ?

  8. xstealx

    B> Dex Belt

    Already got it. K. Thx. :)
  9. Bump.
  10. Selling : - 1x Moonie [23] - 1x Pharaoh [8] - 1x Maya [5] Just post it here, cuz now im not online too often in game.
  11. Yea, i still remember u :p My boss on Nirvana, ayt ? :p

    I thought u werent remember me :p

  12. xstealx

    Easter Event!

    So, how to get the item ?
  13. i can't stop laughing :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
  14. Osiris Sold. Bump...
  15. Bump..
  16. Selling : - Event Coupons (got 8) [1:2] - Osiris Card (SOLD) PM me here :D
  17. xstealx

    This or that

    Enthutiastic Tumblebugs or Zuma ?
  18. xstealx

    Carpe Noctem

    Kuyuti, can i join ? But im still in RM, and i wanna make some moneehhh :p
  19. xstealx

    This or that

    Punch in the face. Mozilla or Opera ?
  20. xstealx

    This or that

    Inside. mother or father ?
  21. xstealx

    This or that

    Obese. CoD 4 or Left4Dead
  22. Password ! :D
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