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About xKara

xKara's Achievements


Novice (1/10)



  1. what he said, plus could you pro guys make a "what card to use for pvp guide" it could help out..
  2. aww was just trying to make sure, after all you guys are the pros, oh and thank you :)
  3. thank you, i still do lvl, but no more bar "thingy" though.. thank you again... one more question(making another topic would only flood and irritate you gms) knowing that elite items have 2 slots, if i say, i place a ghostring card(ghost property) and an evil druid card(undead property) in my elite armor, would i be uhm enchanted by both properties or will only the first card will enchant me; nullifying the other property card?
  4. as said ^ and why? I tried different monsters, I even killed a BOSS still wont go up. My job lvl is stuck at 179 Y_Y
  5. and where might that npc be? :)
  6. my apologies, it just ticked me off having a first greeting so rude. and yes i've read most of what you have mentioned, learning, getting lost and confuse but still learning though their are some answers i cant find, perhaps im just gonna figure out that myself huh, :), and the awesome part of this server, well i already know that, seeing that their is 300+ players in the game, may not be a lot, but is very commendable.
  7. whats with saying "teh?" and yes it was a typo did not want to edit just for the sake of a small correction, but i also use it a lot, if i get bored of "the", does grammar and spelling irritate you? be teacher? gtfo? oh and to the others, thanks for the warm welcome i guess
  8. HELLO! quitted RO for years to play some new rpg game(arua rose) then got bored, and remembered this game through a friend that plays here(SKULL dunno if you know him) why not try right? RO one of the first rpg games i've ever known and i believe is one of the greatest. I've seen new items and shit(excuse me) and makes me go X_X.. Just here to introduce myself duh... and i like being a part of the community; being active in teh forums...
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