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Laydee Caution

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About Laydee Caution

  • Birthday 05/05/1990

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    london united kingdom
  • Interests
    Ro, Web Design and other things

Laydee Caution's Achievements


Novice (1/10)



  1. hppy bday bby. <3

  2. happy late bday and what prt of trinidad r u from o.o?

  3. hi youre that girl i killed in pvp o.o

  4. i think the person below me is jealous -roll eyes- XD


    i liek ur tits.

  6. these pics are for boys no younger than 16 no older than 22
  7. o.o...nice to meet u? x3;;

  8. i aint goin no wer again but i wont be on mostly goin bk to college

  9. Dear Fro commmunity, on a sad not i am leaving Fro, but ill still keep my account might return in a few months or so if i feel like it, i am leaving because of certain childish kids because they aint on the same wave length as me Jordan i will miss you x and i still love you /cry /cry /kis2 Laiger i will miss you 2 Zero Poke Yunho Riku BlindFold Thorin and theres so much more, it was actully fun bein on the server but the real reason im leaving is because of AznPally/ sinx what ever he calls him self. :axehead: And Azn if u do read this you can hate me as much as u want because u will never find someone as cute as me, and your childish behaviour, u can only hate someone if u know them well not if u know nothing about them, just the char name and who they hang around with. Anywayz love you all and good bye /cry
  10. Laydee Candice ish back from teh past, i used to play wolf ro/llro, dark ro, nameless ro, rebirthro, and may others ive noticed a few ppl here that use to play it aswell, i missed you lot anywayz i aint new been here for like 2months just hiding, :biggrin: my names candice also lily's older sister im 18 live in london (United Kingdom) where the pound stinks and the queens a slag i go uni, currently i am writing a 5000 word essay on life and psychology msg me in game
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