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Quantum Of Solace

Forsaken Elite
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About Quantum Of Solace

Quantum Of Solace's Achievements


Knight (3/10)



  1. Awahhh !!

    Are you seriously 'busy' and leaving until summer?


  2. Ill be busy studying so cya this summer ;[
  3. 200qpons +2x Int belt+2x LK set no wep ;]
  4. Bump
  5. Bummer
  6. Np with that I dont actually expect someone will volunteer to make me a sig xD

  7. NVM bought it all o.o Im sorry
  8. Yeah probably like ur siggy pl0x :3
  9. 'Ello!


    First Comment. :3

    Oh, and sorry if I take somewhat long to finish your 'attempted' signature. >< !

    My brother uses the other comp. too much ...

  10. Hey

    W00T 2nd Comment :3

  11. xD Btw thanks for Volunteering to make me a sig :3
  12. Nice Idea *thumbs up* /no1
  13. Yeah he is and he's so sexy and Mehmeh it would really be great if you can make me 1 thx :>
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