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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Perishable

  1. Yes, please. White or Black GvG Certifcates.
  2. I love you man <3 Good luck man and have a good one .
  3. Okay
  4. Whomsoever reads this, he was a past GM. Sad tale though. - Episcopal

  5. Yeah so don't forget to vote for fRO every 12 hours.
  6. 10! LOL more challenging
  7. Ayyo! If I join, can I get my own title!? gagagaga
  8. Lol Actually, this one orange is sexier than White or Teal.
  9. Ooh shit, that is sick yo. Vote for Desi! 10 out of 9.5 ;)
  10. Kiss on sight.
  11. Farewell shawn <3
  12. All I can say damnnnnn.
  13. Perishable


    Hello There!
  14. Perishable


    Using champion are boring when it comes to killing mvp, I want to see snipers or sinx fighting it cuz it takes time y'know ;D PENIS
  15. Perishable

    Hello :)

  16. I know what you mean Secret, I wish I can like use the NPC and Insert like 30 Tickets and make it put 3000 In my storage :)
  17. Dina said 2 Orc Hero not 2 Orc Lord , kevin.
  18. Bitmap Image (.bmp) Dimensions 24x24
  19. Welcome to Forsaken Ragnarok Online. Alright, anytime men ;]
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