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Synthetic Angel

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Everything posted by Synthetic Angel

  1. Reply here with offer and ign. I'll pm you ingame with my response. Thank you
  2. Lol you'd fit in perfect in SF, Sushi ;p and why you call me Herro; xD
  3. haha nice. ;o pshhhh my hair is nothing special there's just a lot of it ;_;
  4. I dyed my hair x____x idk if i like it better dark.. dude...i have to clean my mirror. ;p
  5. Nah im planning on getting a full F set before i go any further. same issues with money though! >< but you did help me a lot. thanks :]

  6. i disagree! ;o but thanks :]
  7. my halloween pictures have escaped me ;o so i'll just post a random one haii ;o
  8. Even though it's a week late , I'm tempted to post Halloween pics up. ;o
  9. I might be able to afford the entire set in time, but right now i'm going more for the shoes. Just leave your offer/name in here or pm me in-game: Sky Ocean
  10. really..? i'm like.. a nobody though. .__.
  11. well I joined this server several months back (over a year ago) but I found myself having no time for it anymore, so I quit. But now I'm back~ I didn't really have much when I quit so starting all over isn't that much of a difference for me. Anyway, glad to be back. Hello everyone :o
  12. LOL it did huh xD

    would you like a spot of tea? ;D


  13. yeahh i just recently turned 255/255. im doing the elite quest as we speak. pm me ingame, and this goes for anyone still interested in me: ign: Sky Ocean ps i would love to try WoE and GvG.
  14. Rawr. you have to go thru me to get to Elshieee. shes MINEEEE
  15. YAYY hiiii Elshieee i <3 youu
  16. title and description say everything.
  17. winning again bwahaha?
  18. winn winn winnn
  19. neverrr, i win~
  20. Filth in the Beauty- Gazette.
  21. welcomeee. see you ingame.
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