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About Nashataku

  • Birthday 10/24/1984

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Somewhere you're not, but maybe it wouldn't be bad to have you here. It wouldn't be so lonely... ^^
  • Interests
    Anime, RO, Video Games, Working, Doing that whole dad thing... yeah...

Nashataku's Achievements


Novice (1/10)



  1. ^~comatose failph ...ness?~ /hmm
  2. well I will just add a few animes I have seen that I didn't see on the lists of anyone else. If you haven't seen them you should give em a try they are pretty cool: .hack (series) Burst Angel Colorful Chrono Crusade Experimental Lain Excel Saga (currently watching) Darkstalkers Devil Hunter Yohko Dragon Ball Z (LOL everyone probably has seen it, but even though cheesy, it was awesome as a kid) Fatal Fury Fooly Cooly (still watching on and off) Full Metal Panic Fumoffu Golden Boy GTO Ghost in The Shell Ghost in The Shell SAC Last Exile Mai Hime Mega Man :p Najica Peace Makers Princess Mononke Rahxephon Samurai X Tsukihime Vampire Hunter D X (1999) LOL I am ingame and being killed so that is all for now xD
  3. Nashataku


    Well thank you for the info, and wow, this is the first time I have ever had a GM say welcome on a forum before. Thanks I feel welcomed already!!! :ohmy:
  4. Nashataku


    Hello everyone, I am new to forsaken. Well actually I have been playing for about 2 weeks now. It has been pretty fun. I stay away from pvp, because champs asura too much xD. But yeah. I was wondering can anyone give me any zeny and items pl0x. Nah j/k I was really wondering if people can tell me about the wings and custom valk headgear? I have been trying to find info on it, but I am not succeeding very well. Besides my interest in wings and custom headgears I would like to make friends here. I have been playing RO for sometime, and I have never really made a lot of friends on private servers more or less on iro, so maybe it will be different here. Anywayz, peace. :suicide_anim:
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