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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Millenia

  1. <333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

  2. love you my sxc bb ^^

  3. who the fuck would wanna join coochro

  4. good for emp breakin
  5. karma for stealing my orange emp. karma.
  6. its a super old meme from 4chan, nothing new~
  7. Agreed with both. OT: Didn't you quit? ic.
  8. you've said that like a billion times
  9. LOOK AT THOSE LEAVES! if only nick was dat sxc
  10. lol.
  11. thx, let me just go pick a gun from my extensive collection
  12. Millenia

    Clown Songs

    agree sfm
  13. while at college eating lunch i was sitting in the grassy area, i had one spider dangling from my hair; one in my folder, and one managed to get in my bag which crawled out during psychology. ontop of that wasps kept coming near me so i ended up running for my life. did i mention on my first day in college during biology i got stung by a wasp on my neck? FML QQ
  14. i bet the examiner rung you up and told you because of your changes your grammar got fucked up, therefore u nearly failed.
  15. so on tuesday while getting ready for college, my mums bf left a plank of wood hanging from the loft because hes an einstein deep down, said blank of wood is right infront of my door. so im bout to walk past it when i see this king kong fucking spider on the wood, i shit myself, panic, wake everyone up, and it climbs back into the loft. ok. this morning i woke up several times cause thats how i roll, each time i woke up i noticed that...like.. all my cats were in my room, like its their new litterbox or smth. when i finally woke up properly and sat up ( cats still there wth ) i heard something moving the bag next to my bed and im like 'wtf?' and look down. i keep looking then that huge spider thats meant to be in the loft is crawling around. it took 5 whacks to kill that mofo. tl;dr, huge spider fml
  16. i didnt understand a word of wut u just said / typed ( for the hitler-wannabes ) its all grammatically wrong it makes no sense
  17. just sayin the flaws in the stats.
  18. so they've basically made champs/sinx more op
  19. gms, its polite when someone makes a suggestion you dont automatically reject it / close the thread made on past decisions. as for the suggestion, it generally just won't work. @ aki- ppl always complain
  20. ..ws dont mvp on here.............
  21. Millenia

    2000 Get.

    Posts: 419
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