Heya Peps,
Im giving all my stuffs away. =P hmm
Except my marsh hat =P
Hmm Send me a signed pic saying "FAQU <3"and ill give you 100donation cpns =P
if you need any mvp cards ill just ive you them. cept thanatos cuz only got one...
not what i was looking for...
your name should be istupid. Because that would be cool and make more sense. =)
i want to know what hats i can get when i donate 5$..
like that chicken hat wiwi has and all the hats the gm's got.
it is 50 vote coupons i think or something like that lol it is really good items it is like the emp aura but not tradeable.
btw 50 vote coupons is like only takes 25 days so yeah =)
okay well the price is like now 35d coupons each but it will be going down and down and down really soon so if you really want want just wait. or you can get a fb aura it is way better then sun and moon.btw that is the reason the sun and moon aura are gunna go down.