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Forsaken Elder
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About iRawr

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  1. iRawr

    Super Baby

    No, you didnt. All you did is say something like this Why should SN be any different from all the other classes. The majority of other classes which use 2xFBH also have to YGG a shitload more for SP than HP. ZerO25 gets 200sp which is plenty to spam a few moves than YGG. Your obviously just doing it wrong. lrn2ply.
  2. iRawr

    Super Baby

    The only person acting retarTED is you. All of your suggestions are to make the class your currently playing overpowered and then you act all surprised when the obvious flaws are pointed out to you. Here ill summarise some of the points made against you.
  3. All of your suggestions are well thought out. I'd say yes to everything.
  4. I honestly can't see alot of people doing this, especially if you warn that if this is done its a permanent ban.
  5. I'm sorry I just don't see how you can cancel a bill when they have bought the item/coupons. Sure if you had $3k of money you didn't actually spend I can see why that would be allowed to be cancelled. Kids should be on credit phones anyway, you need to be 18 or over to be on a plan.
  6. Wow. Yeah Im mainly thinking about myself here, you know not like this suggestion would help a whole heap of other people as well. Do you think before you post,, or are you just naturally retarted?
  7. You cant just cancel a bill, if they bought something they have to pay for it. Sure their parents can cancel their subscription after that. And seriously if a stupid kid does do this who cares? It's his problem not the servers.
  8. For the next idiot who posts this again, Please read the topic before posting.
  9. Bumpity Bump. Can we get an accepted or rejected so I can stop lurking the forums.
  10. iRawr


    You make money faster in eFail than I do in Fly For Fame. Thats kinda incredible.
  11. Agreed.
  12. What game?
  13. I can transfer money from OneBip to paypal, I cant however transfer money from OneBip to AlertPay. Guess the only way for me to donate is if Genesis approves OneBip.
  14. Naaaw, I cant donate without paypal.
  15. I think onebip.com changes the currency too whatever the bussiness your donating too wants.
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